Controlling client operations through client option sets

You can use client option sets to centrally control the processing options that clients use for operations such as backup. Client option sets can help ensure that data is consistently protected according to your requirements. A client option set can override options in a local client options file, and can add options that might not be in a local client options file.

About this task

By creating and assigning client option sets, you reduce the need to update local client option files and reduce work for you or your users.

For example, you can define a client option set to specify an include-exclude list that determines what is backed up, what is excluded from backup, and what management classes are used to manage data retention. Other client options that might be useful to centrally control in a client option set are the compression and deduplication options.

You can create client option sets for clients that have similar requirements, such as clients on the same operating system, clients that use the same software, or clients that one department uses. For example, you might create client option sets for Windows workstations, or for the payroll department. After you create the client option set, you assign the client option set to all clients of the same type.

Not all client options can be specified in a client option set on the server. To learn about the client options that you can centrally control in a client option set, see Client options that can be set by the server.


  1. Define a client option set by using the DEFINE CLOPTSET command.
    For example, to define a client option set named PAYROLLBACKUP, issue the following command:
    define cloptset payrollbackup description='Backup options for the payroll department'
  2. Add client options to the client option set by using the DEFINE CLIENTOPT command.
    For example, you want to add include and exclude options to the client option set named PAYROLLBACKUP to accomplish the following goals:
    • Exclude temporary Internet directory files from backup operations
    • Include for backup all files in the C:\Data directory and its subdirectories, and assign the files to the PAYCLASS management class for data retention
    Issue the following commands:
    define clientopt payrollbackup inclexcl "exclude.dir '*:\...\Temporary Internet Files'"
    define clientopt payrollbackup inclexcl "include C:\Data\...\* payclass"
  3. To assign a client option set to a client, complete the following steps:
    1. On the Overview page of the Operations Center, click Clients.
    2. Select a client and click Details.
    3. Click Properties.
    4. In the General area, select an option set and click Save.