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Long user and group names

The backup-archive client can handle user and group names that are up to 64 characters without any issues. However, names longer than 64 characters require special handling by IBM Spectrum® Protect.

Important: Do not exceed the 64 character limit for user and group names. If you do, the client shortens the name to fall within this limit by using the following transformation: Take the first 53 characters, append a forward slash (/), and then the numeric ID as a character string.

An error message is logged that contains both the long name and the resulting shortened string. For most functions, you do not need to be aware of the shortened name. The exceptions are:

  • The set access command
  • The fromowner option
  • The users and groups (authorization) options

In each of these cases, when you need to enter a name, you either have to find the error message containing the transformation, or construct the name using the rule outlined here.