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Backing up data using the Java GUI

You can back up specific files, entire directories, or entire file systems from the directory tree.

About this task

You can locate the files you want to back up by searching or filtering. Filtering displays only the files matching the filter criteria for your backup.

Use the backup-archive client Java™ GUI to back up your data as follows:


  1. Click Backup in the IBM Spectrum Protect™ window. The Backup window appears.
  2. Expand the directory tree if necessary. Click on the selection boxes next to the object or objects you want to back up. To search or filter files, click the Find icon on the tool bar.
  3. Enter your search criteria in the Find Files (Backup) window.
  4. Click the Search button. The Matching Files (Backup) window appears.
  5. Click the selection boxes next to the files you want to back up and close the Matching Files (Backup) window.
  6. Enter your filter criteria in the Find Files (Backup) window.
  7. Click the Filter button. The Backup window displays the filtered files.
  8. Click the selection boxes next to the filtered files or directories you want to back up.
  9. Select one of the following backup types from the pull-down menu: (1) To run an incremental backup, click Incremental (complete), (2) To run an incremental-by-date backup, click Incremental (date only), (3) To run a selective backup, click Always backup.
  10. Click Backup. The Backup Task List window displays the backup processing status.


Consider the following items when you back up your data using the Java GUI.

  • To modify specific backup options, click the Options button. The options you select are effective during the current session only.
  • IBM Spectrum Protect uses management classes to determine how to manage your backups on the server. Every time you back up a file, the file is assigned a management class. The management class used is either a default selected for you, or one that you assign to the file using an include option in the include-exclude options list. Select UtilitiesView Policy Information from the backup-archive client Java GUI or web client GUI to view the backup policies defined by the IBM Spectrum Protect server for your client node.
  • To perform an automatic incremental backup of your default domain, select ActionsBackup Domain. Your default domain is set with the domain option in your client user-options file (dsm.opt). If you do not have the domain option set, the default domain is all local file systems.
  • You can use the Preferences editor to exclude file systems in your default domain from backup processing.