Trace output for WSDL-to-PL/I segmentation APIs

Trace information for the segmentation APIs is typically written to standard out and therefore can be found in the job log of the Message Processing Region.

Each API has a trace mode that when enabled writes out information from the message header and a two-column hex dump of the language structure. These dumps can be helpful, because an IMS Connect Recorder Trace shows only the first 670 bytes of an IMS message.

The following is an example of source code:

01: /* Invoke API DFSQSETS to set the SOAP body language
02:  * structure and commit it to the IMS Message Queue.
03:  */
04: @dfs_struct_name      = 'gettteam_1_0Response';
05: @dfs_struct_ptr       = gettteam_1_0Response_ptr;
06: @dfs_struct_size      = storage(getteam)1_0Response);
07: @dfs_commit_structs   = '1'b;
08: @dfs_cee_feedback_ptr = addr(@dfs_cee_feedback);
09: @dfs_debug            = '1'b;
11: @return_code =
12:     DFSQSETS(@dfs_async_msg_header_ptr,
13:     @dfs_iopcb_mask_ptr, @dfs_soap_body_struct,
14:     @dfs_struct_name, @dfs_struct_ptr,
15:     @dfs_struct_size, @dfs_commit_structs,
16:     @dfs_cee_feedback_ptr, @dfs_debug);
18: if (@return_code != @dfs_success) then do;
19:   display('MYMPP#handle_getteam():
20:   || 'ERROR, DFSQSETS @dfs_soap_body_struct, '
21:   || '@return_code: '|| trim(@return_code) || '.');
22:    return;
23: end;

The corresponding trace output for this source code is as follows:

..:: DFSPWSIO#DFSQSETS() @20140415152643909 ::..
o @dfs_asyn_msg_header_ptr: 877656904.
o @dfs_iopcb_ptr: 110672.
o @dfs_struct_type: 2.
o @dfs_struct_name: getteam_1_0Response.
o @dfs_struct_ptr: 878837800.
o @dfs_struct_size: 150274.
o @dfs_commit_struct: 1.
o @dfs_cee_feedback_ptr: 875679616.
o DFSQSETS#setBodyStruct()
o body_struct_ptr: 878837800.
o body_struct_size: 150274.
o body_struct_ptr(1:body_struct_size):
00000000: 000001F4 00000001 00000002 000DE296 |...4..........So|
00000010: 86A3A681 998540E3 85A2A300 00000000 |ftware Test.....|
00000020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|