DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES table function - Return system information

The ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES table function returns operating system, CPU, memory, and other information that is related to members on the system. The active database can reside on one or more members on the system. This table function returns data only from members where the database that issued the command is active.

The schema is SYSPROC.


One of the following authorizations is required:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES table function
  • DATAACCESS authority


select MEMBER, varchar(HOST_NAME,12) as HOST_NAME, CPU_TOTAL,
Sample output is as follows:
-----  --------------     ---------   ------------ -----------------------
     0 coralpib23                24          81920  +1.23696899414062E+000
     1 coralpib23                24          81920  +1.23696899414062E+000
     2 coralpib23                24          81920  +1.23696899414062E+000
     3 coralpib23                24          81920  +1.23696899414062E+000

 4 record(s) selected.

Usage Notes

Information returned

Information is returned for all supported operating systems, except where noted.

Table 1. Information returned for ENV_GET_SYSTEM_RESOURCES
Column name Data type Description
MEMBER SMALLINT member - Database member monitor element
OS_NAME VARCHAR(256) os_name - Operating system name monitor element
HOST_NAME VARCHAR(255) host_name - Host name monitor element
OS_VERSION VARCHAR(256) os_version - Operating system version monitor element
OS_RELEASE VARCHAR(256) os_release - Operating system release monitor element
MACHINE_IDENTIFICATION VARCHAR(256) machine_identification - Host hardware identification monitor element
OS_LEVEL VARCHAR(256) os_level - Operating system level monitor element
CPU_TOTAL BIGINT cpu_total - Number of CPUs monitor element
CPU_ONLINE BIGINT cpu_online - Number of CPUs online monitor element
CPU_CONFIGURED BIGINT cpu_configured - Number of configured CPUs monitor element
CPU_SPEED BIGINT cpu_speed - CPU clock speed monitor element
CPU_TIMEBASE BIGINT cpu_timebase - Frequency of timebase register increment monitor element
CPU_HMT_DEGREE BIGINT cpu_hmt_degree - Number of logical CPUs monitor element
CPU_CORES_PER_SOCKET BIGINT cpu_cores_per_socket - Number of CPU cores per socket monitor element
MEMORY_TOTAL BIGINT memory_total - Total physical memory monitor element
MEMORY_FREE BIGINT memory_free - Amount of free physical memory monitor element
MEMORY_SWAP_TOTAL BIGINT memory_swap_total - Total swap space monitor element
MEMORY_SWAP_FREE BIGINT memory_swap_free - Total free swap space monitor element
VIRTUAL_MEM_TOTAL BIGINT virtual_mem_total - Total virtual memory monitor element
VIRTUAL_MEM_RESERVED BIGINT virtual_mem_reserved - Reserved virtual memory monitor element
VIRTUAL_MEM_FREE BIGINT virtual_mem_free - Free virtual memory monitor element
CPU_LOAD_SHORT DOUBLE cpu_load_short - Processor load (short timeframe) monitor element
CPU_LOAD_MEDIUM DOUBLE cpu_load_medium - Processor load (medium timeframe) monitor element
CPU_LOAD_LONG DOUBLE cpu_load_long - Processor load (long timeframe) monitor element
CPU_USAGE_TOTAL SMALLINT cpu_usage_total - Processor usage monitor element
CPU_USER1 BIGINT cpu_user - Non-kernel processing time monitor element
CPU_IDLE1 BIGINT cpu_idle - Processor idle time monitor element
CPU_IOWAIT1 BIGINT cpu_iowait - IO Wait time monitor element
CPU_SYSTEM1 BIGINT cpu_system - Kernel time monitor element
SWAP_PAGE_SIZE BIGINT swap_page_size - Swap page size monitor element
SWAP_PAGES_IN BIGINT swap_pages_in - Pages swapped in from disk monitor element
SWAP_PAGES_OUT BIGINT swap_pages_out - Pages swapped out to disk monitor element
These metrics have been aggregated across all logical processors on the system.
On the AIX® operating system, the metrics are for the Workload partition (WPAR) and Logical partition (LPAR) on which the DB2 server is running.