DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

SYSTS_UPDATE procedure - Update the text search index

This procedure updates the text search index to reflect the current contents of the text column with which the index is associated.

While the update is being performed, a search is possible. Until completion of the update, the search operates on a partially updated index.

The procedure issues an UPDATE INDEX text search administration command on the database server.


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The schema is SYSPROC.

Procedure parameters

An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the schema of the text search index. The index_schema must follow the naming restriction for DB2® schema names. If the argument is null or an empty string, the value of CURRENT SCHEMA is used. The index_schema is case-sensitive.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies the name of the index. Together with index_schema, it uniquely identifies a text search index in a database. The index_name is case-sensitive.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(32K) that specifies update options. The possible values are:
  • USING UPDATE MINIMUM: this setting respects the UPDATE MINIMUM settings from the CREATE INDEX text search administration command and the SYSTS_CREATE procedure.
  • UPDATEAUTOCOMMIT: this setting overrides the commitcount defined for the text index for the duration of this update execution.
  • NULL or an empty string ("): the update is unconditionally started when the procedure is called.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(33) that specifies the locale to be used for any error message returned. If the argument is null or an empty string, or the message files for the specified locale are not available on the server, 'en_US' is used.
An output argument of type VARCHAR(32K) that specifies a warning or informational message for a successfully completed operation.


The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following authorities:
  • CONTROL privilege on the table on which the text index is defined
  • DATAACCESS authority


Example 1: In the following example, the text search index that was created with index_schema 'db2ts' and index_name 'myTextIndex' is being updated. A NULL value in the place of the update_options means that an update is unconditionally started when the stored procedure is called. Any error messages are requested to be returned in English. When the procedure succeeds, the output parameter message indicative of the successful operation is returned to the caller.
  CALL SYSPROC.SYSTS_UPDATE('db2ts', 'myTextIndex', '', 'en_US', ?)
The following example is a sample output from this query.
  Value of output parameters
  Parameter Name  : MESSAGE
  Parameter Value : Operation completed successfully.

  Return Status = 0

Example 2: In the following example, SYSTS_UPDATE is called to update a text search index with index_schema 'db2ts' and index_name 'myTextIndex'. This index does not exist and results in an error.

		'en_US', ?)
The following example is a sample output from this query.
  SQL20427N An error occurred during a text search administration 
  procedure or command. The error message is "CIE00316 Text search 
  index "db2ts"."myTextIndex" does not exist. ". SQLSTATE 38H14

Usage notes