DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

RESET ALERT CONFIGURATION command using the ADMIN_CMD procedure

Resets the health indicator settings for specific objects to the current defaults for that object type or resets the current default health indicator settings for an object type to the install defaults.

Important: This command or API has been deprecated and might be removed in a future release because the health monitor has been deprecated in Version 9.7. For more information, see Health monitor has been deprecated.


One of the following:

Required connection


Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-RESET ALERT--+-CONFIGURATION-+--FOR-------------------------->

>--+-+-DATABASE MANAGER-+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-><
   | +-DB MANAGER-------+                                                                                    |   
   | '-DBM--------------'                                                                                    |   
     +-DATABASE--------------------------------------+                      '-USING--health-indicator-name-'     

Command parameters

Resets alert settings for the database manager.
Resets default alert settings for all table space containers managed by the database manager to the install default. These are the settings that apply to all table space containers that do not have custom settings. Custom settings are defined using the CONTAINER container-name FOR tblspace-name ON database-alias clause.
Resets alert settings for all databases managed by the database manager. These are the settings that apply to all databases that do not have custom settings. Custom settings are defined using the DATABASE ON database-alias clause.
Resets default alert settings for all table spaces managed by the database manager to the install default. These are the settings that apply to all table spaces that do not have custom settings. Custom settings are defined using the TABLESPACE tblspace-name ON database-alias clause.
CONTAINER container-name FOR tblspace-name ON database-alias
Resets the alert settings for the table space container called container-name, for the table space specified using the FOR tblspace-name clause, on the database specified using the ON database-alias clause. If this table space container has custom settings, then these settings are removed and the current table space containers default is used.
DATABASE ON database-alias
Resets the alert settings for the database specified using the ON database-alias clause. If this database has custom settings, then these settings are removed and the install default is used.
TABLESPACE tblspace-name ON database-alias
Resets the alert settings for the table space called tblspace-name, on the database specified using the ON database-alias clause. If this table space has custom settings, then these settings are removed and the install default is used.
USING health-indicator-name
Specifies the set of health indicators for which alert configuration will be reset. Health indicator names consist of a two-letter object identifier followed by a name that describes what the indicator measures. For example:
If you do not specify this option, all health indicators for the specified object or object type will be reset.


Reset alert settings for the database manager that owns the database which contains the ADMIN_CMD procedure.
CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD( 'reset alert cfg for dbm' )

Usage notes

Command execution status is returned in the SQLCA resulting from the CALL statement.

The database-alias must be a local database defined in the catalog on the server because the ADMIN_CMD procedure runs on the server only.