DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

SNAPSHOT_DATABASE table function

Returns information from a database snapshot.

Note: This table function has been deprecated and replaced by the SNAP_GET_DB_V91 table function - Retrieve snapshot information from the dbase logical group
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The schema is SYSPROC.

Table function parameters

An input argument of type VARCHAR(255) that specifies a valid database name in the same instance as the currently connected database when calling this function. Specify a database name that has a directory entry type of either "Indirect" or "Home", as returned by the LIST DATABASE DIRECTORY command. Specify the null value to take the snapshot from all databases under the database instance.
An input argument of type INTEGER that specifies a valid database partition number. Specify -1 for the current database partition, or -2 for all active database partitions. An active database partition is a partition where the database is available for connection and use by applications.

If the null value is specified, -1 is set implicitly.

If both parameters are set to NULL, the snapshot will be taken only if a file has not previously been created by the SNAPSHOT_FILEW stored procedure for the corresponding snapshot API request type.


One of the following authorities is required to execute the function:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the function
  • DATAACCESS authority
To access snapshot monitor data, one of the following authorities is required:
  • SYSMON authority
  • SYSCTRL authority
  • SYSMAINT authority
  • SYSADM authority

The function returns a table as shown in the following section.

Table 1. Information returned by the SNAPSHOT_DATABASE table function
Column name Data type Description or corresponding monitor element
SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP snapshot_timestamp - Snapshot timestamp
SEC_LOG_USED_TOP BIGINT sec_log_used_top - Maximum secondary log space used
TOT_LOG_USED_TOP BIGINT tot_log_used_top - Maximum total log space used
TOTAL_LOG_USED BIGINT total_log_used - Total log space used
TOTAL_LOG_AVAILABLE BIGINT total_log_available - Total log available
ROWS_READ BIGINT rows_read - Rows read
POOL_DATA_L_READS BIGINT pool_data_l_reads - Buffer pool data logical reads
POOL_DATA_P_READS BIGINT pool_data_p_reads - Buffer pool data physical reads
POOL_DATA_WRITES BIGINT pool_data_writes - Buffer pool data writes
POOL_INDEX_L_READS BIGINT pool_index_l_reads - Buffer pool index logical reads
POOL_INDEX_P_READS BIGINT pool_index_p_reads - Buffer pool index physical reads
POOL_INDEX_WRITES BIGINT pool_index_writes - Buffer pool index writes
POOL_READ_TIME BIGINT pool_read_time - Total buffer pool physical read time
POOL_WRITE_TIME BIGINT pool_write_time - Total buffer pool physical write time
POOL_ASYNC_INDEX_READS BIGINT pool_async_index_reads - Buffer pool asynchronous index reads
POOL_DATA_TO_ESTORE BIGINT The pool_data_to_estore ESTORE monitor element is discontinued. A NULL value is returned for the discontinued monitor element.
POOL_INDEX_TO_ESTORE BIGINT The pool_index_to_estore ESTORE monitor element is discontinued. A NULL value is returned for the discontinued monitor element.
POOL_INDEX_FROM_ESTORE BIGINT The pool_index_from_estore ESTORE monitor element is discontinued. A NULL value is returned for the discontinued monitor element.
POOL_DATA_FROM_ESTORE BIGINT The pool_data_from_estore ESTORE monitor element is discontinued. A NULL value is returned for the discontinued monitor element.
POOL_ASYNC_DATA_READS BIGINT pool_async_data_reads - Buffer pool asynchronous data reads
POOL_ASYNC_DATA_WRITES BIGINT pool_async_data_writes - Buffer pool asynchronous data writes
POOL_ASYNC_INDEX_WRITES BIGINT pool_async_index_writes - Buffer pool asynchronous index writes
POOL_ASYNC_READ_TIME BIGINT pool_async_read_time - Buffer pool asynchronous read time
POOL_ASYNC_WRITE_TIME BIGINT pool_async_write_time - Buffer pool asynchronous write time


BIGINT pool_async_data_read_reqs - Buffer pool asynchronous read requests
DIRECT_READS BIGINT direct_reads - Direct reads from database
DIRECT_WRITES BIGINT direct_writes - Direct writes to database
DIRECT_READ_REQS BIGINT direct_read_reqs - Direct read requests
DIRECT_WRITE_REQS BIGINT direct_write_reqs - Direct write requests
DIRECT_READ_TIME BIGINT direct_read_time - Direct read time
DIRECT_WRITE_TIME BIGINT direct_write_time - Direct write time
UNREAD_PREFETCH_PAGES BIGINT unread_prefetch_pages - Unread prefetch pages
FILES_CLOSED BIGINT files_closed - Database files closed
POOL_LSN_GAP_CLNS BIGINT pool_lsn_gap_clns - Buffer pool log space cleaners triggered
POOL_DRTY_PG_STEAL_CLNS BIGINT pool_drty_pg_steal_clns - Buffer pool victim page cleaners triggered
POOL_DRTY_PG_THRSH_CLNS BIGINT pool_drty_pg_thrsh_clns - Buffer pool threshold cleaners triggered
LOCKS_HELD BIGINT locks_held - Locks held
LOCK_WAITS BIGINT lock_waits - Lock waits
LOCK_WAIT_TIME BIGINT lock_wait_time - Time waited on locks
LOCK_LIST_IN_USE BIGINT lock_list_in_use - Total lock list memory in use
DEADLOCKS BIGINT deadlocks - Deadlocks detected
LOCK_ESCALS BIGINT lock_escals - Number of lock escalations
X_LOCK_ESCALS BIGINT x_lock_escals - Exclusive lock escalations
LOCKS_WAITING BIGINT locks_waiting - agents waiting on locks
SORT_HEAP_ALLOCATED BIGINT sort_heap_allocated - Total sort heap allocated
TOTAL_SORTS BIGINT total_sorts - Total sorts
TOTAL_SORT_TIME BIGINT total_sort_time - Total sort time
SORT_OVERFLOWS BIGINT sort_overflows - Sort overflows
ACTIVE_SORTS BIGINT active_sorts - Active sorts
COMMIT_SQL_STMTS BIGINT commit_sql_stmts - Commit statements attempted
ROLLBACK_SQL_STMTS BIGINT rollback_sql_stmts - Rollback statements attempted
DYNAMIC_SQL_STMTS BIGINT dynamic_sql_stmts - Dynamic SQL statements attempted
STATIC_SQL_STMTS BIGINT static_sql_stmts - Static SQL statements attempted
FAILED_SQL_STMTS BIGINT failed_sql_stmts - Failed statement operations
SELECT_SQL_STMTS BIGINT select_sql_stmts - Select SQL statements executed
DDL_SQL_STMTS BIGINT ddl_sql_stmts - Data definition language (DDL) SQL statements
UID_SQL_STMTS BIGINT uid_sql_stmts - UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE SQL statements executed
INT_AUTO_REBINDS BIGINT int_auto_rebinds - Internal automatic rebinds
INT_ROWS_DELETED BIGINT int_rows_deleted - Internal rows deleted
INT_ROWS_UPDATED BIGINT int_rows_updated - Internal rows updated
INT_COMMITS BIGINT int_commits - Internal commits
INT_ROLLBACKS BIGINT int_rollbacks - Internal rollbacks
INT_DEADLOCK_ROLLBACKS BIGINT int_deadlock_rollbacks - Internal rollbacks due to deadlock
ROWS_DELETED BIGINT rows_deleted - Rows deleted
ROWS_INSERTED BIGINT rows_inserted - Rows inserted
ROWS_UPDATED BIGINT rows_updated - Rows updated
ROWS_SELECTED BIGINT rows_selected - Rows selected
BINDS_PRECOMPILES BIGINT binds_precompiles - Binds/precompiles attempted
TOTAL_CONS BIGINT total_cons - Connects since database activation
APPLS_CUR_CONS BIGINT appls_cur_cons - Applications connected currently
APPLS_IN_DB2 BIGINT appls_in_db2 - Applications executing in the database currently
SEC_LOGS_ALLOCATED BIGINT sec_logs_allocated - Secondary logs allocated currently
DB_STATUS BIGINT db_status - Status of database
LOCK_TIMEOUTS BIGINT lock_timeouts - Number of lock timeouts
CONNECTIONS_TOP BIGINT connections_top - Maximum number of concurrent connections
DB_HEAP_TOP BIGINT db_heap_top - Maximum database heap allocated
INT_ROWS_INSERTED BIGINT int_rows_inserted - Internal rows inserted
LOG_READS BIGINT log_reads - Number of log pages read
LOG_WRITES BIGINT log_writes - Number of log pages written
PKG_CACHE_LOOKUPS BIGINT pkg_cache_lookups - Package cache lookups
PKG_CACHE_INSERTS BIGINT pkg_cache_inserts - Package cache inserts
CAT_CACHE_LOOKUPS BIGINT cat_cache_lookups - Catalog cache lookups
CAT_CACHE_INSERTS BIGINT cat_cache_inserts - Catalog cache inserts
CAT_CACHE_OVERFLOWS BIGINT cat_cache_overflows - Catalog cache overflows
CAT_CACHE_HEAP_FULL BIGINT cat_cache_overflows - Catalog cache overflows
CATALOG_PARTITION SMALLINT catalog_node - Catalog node number
TOTAL_SEC_CONS BIGINT total_sec_cons - Secondary connections
NUM_ASSOC_AGENTS BIGINT num_assoc_agents - Number of associated agents
AGENTS_TOP BIGINT agents_top - Number of agents created
COORD_AGENTS_TOP BIGINT coord_agents_top - Maximum number of coordinating agents
PREFETCH_WAIT_TIME BIGINT prefetch_wait_time - Time waited for prefetch
APPL_SECTION_LOOKUPS BIGINT appl_section_lookups - Section lookups
APPL_SECTION_INSERTS BIGINT appl_section_inserts - Section inserts
TOTAL_HASH_JOINS BIGINT total_hash_joins - Total hash joins
TOTAL_HASH_LOOPS BIGINT total_hash_loops - Total hash loops
HASH_JOIN_OVERFLOWS BIGINT hash_join_overflows - Hash join overflows


BIGINT hash_join_small_overflows - Hash join small overflows


BIGINT pkg_cache_num_overflows - Package cache overflows
PKG_CACHE_SIZE_TOP BIGINT pkg_cache_size_top - Package cache high water mark
DB_CONN_TIME TIMESTAMP db_conn_time - Database activation timestamp
SQLM_ELM_LAST_RESET TIMESTAMP last_reset - Last reset timestamp
SQLM_ELM_LAST_BACKUP TIMESTAMP last_backup - Last backup timestamp
APPL_CON_TIME TIMESTAMP appl_con_time - Connection request start timestamp
ELAPSED_EXEC_TIME_S BIGINT elapsed_exec_time - Statement execution elapsed time (in seconds)*
ELAPSED_EXEC_TIME_MS BIGINT elapsed_exec_time - Statement execution elapsed time (fractional, in microseconds)*
DB_LOCATION INTEGER db_location - Database location
SERVER_PLATFORM INTEGER server_platform - Server operating system
APPL_ID_OLDEST_XACT BIGINT appl_id_oldest_xact - Application with oldest transaction
CATALOG_PARTITION_NAME VARCHAR(128) catalog_node_name - Catalog node network name
INPUT_DB_ALIAS VARCHAR(128) input_db_alias - Input database alias
DB_NAME VARCHAR(128) db_name - Database name
DB_PATH VARCHAR(1024) db_path - Database path
* To calculate the total time spent for the monitor element that this column is based on, you must add the full seconds reported in the column for this monitor element that ends with _S to the fractional seconds reported in the column for this monitor element that ends with _MS, using the following formula: (monitor-element-name_S × 1,000,000 + monitor-element-name_MS) ÷ 1,000,000. For example, (ELAPSED_EXEC_TIME_S × 1,000,000 + ELAPSED_EXEC_TIME_MS) ÷ 1,000,000.