DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Upgrading clients in a test environment

Upgrading clients in a test environment before you upgrade them in your production environment allows you to address problems during the upgrade process more effectively and to evaluate the impact of changes introduced in DB2® Version 9.7.

About this task


Before you begin


To duplicate your production environment in a test environment, perform the following tasks:

  1. Install the same client and version that you have in your production environment in a test system.
  2. Re-create your client instance by running the db2icrt command with the -s option:
    Operating system DB2 command
    Windows "%DB2PATH%"\bin\db2icrt -s client InstName
    Linux and UNIX $DB2DIR/instance/db2icrt -s client InstName
    where DB2PATH and DB2DIR are set to the location of the client copy that you installed in the previous step, and InstName is the name of the instance.
  3. Perform the pre-upgrade tasks that apply to your client.
  4. Install a Version 9.7 client that you can upgrade to depending on the client that you are upgrading from. Select the Install New option to install a new copy. Refer to Table 1 to determine what client product to install.
  5. Upgrade your client instance by running the db2iupgrade command:
    Operating system DB2 command
    Windows "%DB2PATH%"\bin\db2iupgrade InstName
    Linux and UNIX $DB2DIR/instance/db2iupgrade InstName
    where DB2PATH and DB2DIR are set to the location of the Version 9.7 client copy that you installed in the previous step, and InstName is the name of the instance.
  6. If you found any issues upgrading your test client instance, resolve these issues and add the tasks to resolve these issues to your upgrade plan.
  7. Perform post-upgrade tasks that apply to your client.
  8. Verify the client upgrade was successful.
  9. Test your applications, scripts, tools and maintenance procedures using the Version 9.7 client.