DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

SQLJ samples

UNIX directory: sqllib/samples/java/sqlj.

Windows directory: sqllib\samples\java\sqlj.

SQLJ samples include the following types of programs:
Database-level samples
Programs that deal with database objects.
Table-level samples
Programs that deal with table objects.
Data type samples
Programs that deal with data types.
Applet samples
Samples that demonstrate Java applets.
Stored procedure samples
Samples that demonstrate stored procedures.
User-defined function samples
Samples that demonstrate user-defined functions.
Java bean samples
Samples that demonstrate Java bean classes.
Data source samples
Samples that demonstrate data sources.
Other samples
Samples that do not fall into any of the previous categories.
Table 1. SQLJ sample program files
Type of sample Sample program name Program Description
Database-level sample DbAuth.sqlj How to grant/display/revoke authorities at the database level.
DbConn.sqlj How to connect and disconnect from a database.
DbMCon.sqlj How to connect and disconnect from multiple databases.
DbUse.sqlj How to use database objects.
Table-level sample LargeRid.sqlj How to enable Large RIDs support on both new tables/ tablespaces and existing tables/tablespaces.
SetIntegrity.sqlj How to perform online SET INTEGRITY on a table.
TbAST.sqlj How to use staging table for updating deferred AST.
TbCompress.sqlj How to create tables with null and default value compression option.
TbConstr.sqlj How to work with table constraints.
TbCreate.sqlj How to create, alter and drop tables.
TbIdent.sqlj How to use identity columns.
TbInfo.sqlj How to get and set information at a table level.
TbMod.sqlj How to modify information in a table.
TbOnlineInx.sqlj How to create and reorg indexes on a table.
TbPriv.sqlj How to grant/display/revoke table level privileges.
TbRowcompress.sqlj How to perform row compression on a table
TbRunstats.sqlj How to perform runstats on a table.
TbRead.sqlj How to read information in a table.
TbSel.sqlj How to select from each of: insert, update, delete.
TbTrig.sqlj How to use a trigger on a table.
TbUMQT.sqlj How to use user materialzed query tables (summary tables).
Data type sample DtUdt.sqlj How to create, use, and drop user-defined distinct types.
Applet sample Applt.sqlj How to use applets.
Stored procedure sample spcat Stored procedure catalog script for the SpServer program. This script calls SpDrop.db2 and SpCreate.db2 in UNIX.
spcat Stored procedure catalog script for the SpServer program. This script calls SpDrop.db2 and SpCreate.db2 in Windows.
SpCreate.db2 CLP script to issue CREATE PROCEDURE statements.
SpDrop.db2 CLP script to drop stored procedures from the catalog.
SpClient.sqlj Client program used to call the server functions declared in SpServer.sqlj.
SpServer.sqlj Stored procedure functions built and run on the server.
SpIterat.sqlj Iterator class file for SpServer.sqlj.
User-defined function sample UDFcli.sqlj Client application which calls the user-defined function library UDFsrv.
UDFsrv.java User-defined functions called by UDFcli.
udfcat UDF catalog script for the UDFsrv program. This script calls UDFDrop.db2 and UDFCreate.db2 in UNIX.
udfcat UDF catalog script for the UDFsrv program. This script calls UDFDrop.db2 and UDFCreate.db2 in Windows.
UDFDrop.db2 CLP script to drop UDFs from the catalog.
UDFCreate.db2 CLP script to issue CREATE PROCEDURE statements.
UDFjcli.sqlj Client application which calls the user-defined function library UDFjsrv.
UDFjsrv.java User-defined functions called by UDFjcli.
udfjcat UDF catalog script for the UDFjsrv program. This script calls UDFjDrop.db2 and UDFjCreate.db2 in UNIX.
udfjcat UDF catalog script for the UDFjsrv program. This script calls UDFjDrop.db2 and UDFjCreate.db2 in Windows
UDFjDrop.db2 CLP script to drop UDFs from the catalog.
UDFjCreate.db2 CLP script to issue CREATE PROCEDURE statements.
Java bean sample CreateEmployee.sqlj How to create an employee record.
GeneratePayroll.sqlj How to generate payroll reports by department.
Data source sample Batch1Demo.sqlj SQLJ batching -- How SQLJ batching works.
Batch2Demo.sqlj SQLJ batching - Association of ExecutionContext with BatchContext.
Batch3Demo.sqlj SQLJ Batching - When do we need to implicitly execute a batch.
BlobClobDemo.sqlj How to access Blob or Clob fields in DB2 tables.
createRegisterDS.java Create and Register DataSources as specified by the DataSource property files.
CreateDemoSchema.sqlj This program creates the schema for the DataSource Demo programs.
DbConnDataSource.sqlj How to connect to a database using DataSource with the IBM® Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJIBM DB2 Driver for JDBC and SQLJ.
DbConMDataSources.sqlj How to connect to a database using Multiple DataSources with the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ.
ScrollIterDemo.sqlj How to use Named and Positional Scrollable Iterators in SQLJ.
Other sample Util.sqlj Utilities for SQLJ sample programs.