DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Performance of routines

The performance of routines is impacted by a variety of factors including the type and implementation of the routine, the number of SQL statements within the routine, the degree of complexity of the SQL in the routine, the number of parameters to the routine, the efficiency of the logic within the routine implementation, the error handling within the routines and more.

Because users often choose to implement routines to improve the performance of applications, it is important to get the most out of routine performance.

The following table outlines some of the general factors that impact routine performance and gives recommendations on how to improve routine performance by altering each factor. For further details on performance factors that impact specific routine types, refer to the performance and tuning topics for the specific routine type.

Table 1. Performance considerations and routine performance recommendations
Performance consideration Performance recommendation
Routine type: procedure, function, method
  • Procedures, functions, and methods serve different purposes and are referenced in different places. Their functional differences make it difficult to compare their performance directly.
  • In general procedures can sometimes be rewritten as functions (particularly if they return a scalar value and only query data) and enjoy slight performance improvements, however these benefits are generally a result of simplifying the SQL required to implement the SQL logic.
  • User-defined functions with complex initializations can make use of scratchpads to store any values required in the first invocation so that they can be used in subsequent invocations.
Routine implementation: system-defined or user-defined
  • For equivalent logic, built-in routines perform the best, followed by system-defined routines, because they enjoy a closer relationship with the database engine than do user-defined routines.
  • User-defined routines can perform very well if they are well coded and follow best practices.
Routine implementation: SQL or external routine implementation
  • SQL routines are more efficient than external routines because they are executed directly by the DB2® database server.
  • SQL procedures generally perform better than logically equivalent external procedures.
  • For simple logic, SQL function performance will be comparable to that of an equivalent external function.
  • For complex logic, such as math algorithms and string manipulation functions that require little SQL, it is better to use an external routine in a low level programming language such as C because there is less dependence on SQL support.
  • See Comparison of routine implementations for a comparison of the features, including performance, of the supported external routine programming language options.
External routine implementation programming language
  • See: Comparison of supported APIs and programming languages for external routine development for a comparison of the performance features that you should consider when selecting an external routine implementation.
  • Java™ (JDBC and SQLJ APIs)
    • Java routines with very large memory requirements are best created with the FENCED NOT THREADSAFE clause specified. Java routines with average memory requirements can be specified with the FENCED THREADSAFE clause.
    • For fenced threadsafe Java routine invocations, DB2 attempts to choose a threaded Java fenced mode process with a Java heap that is large enough to run the routine. Failure to isolate large heap consumers in their own process can result in out-of-Java-heap errors in multi-threaded Java db2fmp processes. FENCED THREADSAFE routines, in contrast, perform better because they can share a small number of JVMs.
  • C and C++
    • In general C and C++ routines perform better than other external routine implementations and as well as SQL routines.
    • To perform their best C and C++ routines should be compiled in 32-bit format if they will be deployed to a 32-bit DB2 instance and in 64-bit format if they will be deployed to a 64-bit DB2 instance.
    • In general COBOL performance is good, but COBOL is not a recommended routine implementation.
Number of SQL statements within the routine
  • Routines should contain more than one SQL statement, otherwise the overhead of routine invocation is not performance cost effective.
  • Logic that must make several database queries, process intermediate results, and ultimately return a subset of the data that was worked with is the best logic for routine encapsulation. Complex data mining, and large updates requiring lookups of related data are examples of this type of logic. Heavy SQL processing is done on the database server and only the smaller data result set is passed back to the caller.
Complexity of SQL statements within the routine
  • It makes good sense to include very complex queries within your routines so that you capitalize on the greater memory and performance capabilities of the database server.
  • Do not worry about the SQL statements being overly complex.
Static or dynamic SQL execution within routines
  • In general static SQL performs better than dynamic SQL. In routines there are no additional differences when you use static or dynamic SQL.
Number of parameters to routines
  • Minimizing the number of parameters to routines can improve routine performance as this minimizes the number of buffers to be passed between the routine and routine invoker.
Data types of routine parameters
  • You can improve the performance of routines by using VARCHAR parameters instead of CHAR parameters in the routine definition. Using VARCHAR data types instead of CHAR data types prevents DB2 from padding parameters with spaces before passing the parameter and decreases the amount of time required to transmit the parameter across a network.

    For example, if your client application passes the string "A SHORT STRING" to a routine that expects a CHAR(200) parameter, DB2 has to pad the parameter with 186 spaces, null-terminate the string, then send the entire 200 character string and null-terminator across the network to the routine.

    In comparison, passing the same string, "A SHORT STRING", to a routine that expects a VARCHAR(200) parameter results in DB2 simply passing the 14 character string and a null terminator across the network.

Initialization of parameters to routines
  • It is a good idea to always initialize input parameters to routines, particularly if the input routine parameter values are null. For null value routine parameters, a shorter or empty buffer can be passed to the routine instead of a full sized buffer, which can improve performance.
Number of local variables in routines
  • Minimizing the number of local variables declared within a routine can improve performance by minimizing the number of SQL statements executed within the routine.
  • In general aim to use as few variables as possible. Re-use variables if this will not be semantically confusing.
Initialization of local variables in routines
  • If possible, it is a good practice to initialize multiple local variables within a single SQL statement as this saves on the total SQL execution time for the routine.
Number of result sets returned by procedures
  • If you can reduce the number of result sets returned by a routine you can improve routine performance.
Size of result sets returned by routines
  • Make sure that for each result set returned by a routine, the query defining the result filters the columns returned and the number of rows returned as much as possible. Returning unnecessary columns or rows of data is not efficient and can result in sub-optimal routine performance.
Efficiency of logic within routines
  • As with any application, the performance of a routine can be limited by a poorly implemented algorithm. Aim to be as efficient as possible when programming routines and apply generally recommended coding best practices as much as possible.
  • Analyze your SQL and wherever possible reduce your query to its simplest form. This can often be done by using CASE expressions instead of CASE statements or by collapsing multiple SQL statements into a single statement that uses a CASE expression as a switch.
Run-time mode of routine (FENCED or NOT FENCED clause specification)
NOT FENCED clause usage:
  • In general, creating your routine with the NOT FENCED clause, which makes it runs in the same process as the DB2 database manager, is preferable over creating it with the FENCED clause, which makes it run in a special DB2 process outside of the engine's address space.
  • While you can expect improved routine performance when running routines as not fenced, user code in unfenced routines can accidentally or maliciously corrupt the database or damage the database control structures. You should only use the NOT FENCED clause when you need to maximize performance benefits, and if you deem the routine to be secure. (For information on assessing and mitigating the risks of registering C/C++ routines as NOT FENCED, refer to Security of routines . If the routine is not safe enough to run in the database manager's process, use the FENCED clause when creating the routine. To limit the creation and running of potentially unsafe code, DB2 requires that a user have a special privilege, CREATE_NOT_FENCED_ROUTINE in order to create NOT FENCED routines.
  • If an abnormal termination occurs while you are running a NOT FENCED routine, the database manager will attempt an appropriate recovery if the routine is registered as NO SQL. However, for routines not defined as NO SQL, the database manager will fail.
  • NOT FENCED routines must be precompiled with the WCHARTYPE NOCONVERT option if the routine uses GRAPHIC or DBCLOB data.
Run-time mode of routine (FENCED or NOT FENCED clause specification)
  • Routines created with the FENCED THREADSAFE clause run in the same process as other routines. More specifically, non-Java routines share one process, while Java(TM) routines share another process, separate from routines written in other languages. This separation protects Java routines from the potentially more error prone routines written in other languages. Also, the process for Java routines contains a JVM, which incurs a high memory cost and is not used by other routine types. Multiple invocations of FENCED THREADSAFE routines share resources, and therefore incur less system overhead than FENCED NOT THREADSAFE routines, which each run in their own dedicated process.
  • If you feel your routine is safe enough to run in the same process as other routines, use the THREADSAFE clause when registering it. As with NOT FENCED routines, information on assessing and mitigating the risks of registering C/C++ routines as FENCED THREADSAFE is in the topic, "Security considerations for routines".
  • If a FENCED THREADSAFE routine abnormally ends, only the thread running this routine is terminated. Other routines in the process continue running. However, the failure that caused this thread to abnormally end can adversely affect other routine threads in the process, causing them to trap, hang, or have damaged data. After one thread abends, the process is no longer used for new routine invocations. Once all the active users complete their jobs in this process, it is terminated.
  • When you register Java routines, they are deemed THREADSAFE unless you indicate otherwise. All other LANGUAGE types are NOT THREADSAFE by default. Routines using LANGUAGE OLE and OLE DB cannot be specified as THREADSAFE.
  • NOT FENCED routines must be THREADSAFE. It is not possible to register a routine as NOT FENCED NOT THREADSAFE (SQLCODE -104).
  • Users on UNIX(R) can see their Java and C THREADSAFE processes by looking for db2fmp (Java) or db2fmp (C).
Run-time mode of routine (FENCED or NOT FENCED clause specification)
  • FENCED NOT THREADSAFE routines each run in their own dedicated process. If you are running numerous routines, this can have a detrimental effect on database system performance. If the routine is not safe enough to run in the same process as other routines, use the NOT THREADSAFE clause when registering the routine.
  • On UNIX, NOT THREADSAFE processes appear as db2fmp (pid) (where pid is the process id of the agent using the fenced mode process) or as db2fmp (idle) for a pooled NOT THREADSAFE db2fmp.
  • Routines that are created with a lower level of SQL access clause will perform better than routines created with a higher level of SQL access clause. Therefore you should declare your routines with the most restrictive level of SQL access clause. For example, if your routine only reads SQL data, do not create it with the MODIFIES SQL DATA clause, but rather create it with the more restrictive READS SQL DATA clause.
Determinism of routine (DETERMINISTIC or NOT DETERMINISTIC clause specification)
  • Declaring a routine with the DETERMINISTIC or NOT DETERMINISTIC clause has no impact on routine performance.
Number and complexity of external actions made by routine (EXTERNAL ACTION clause specification)
  • Depending on the number of external actions and the complexity of external actions performed by an external routine, routine performance can be hindered. Factors that contribute to this are network traffic, access to files for writing or reading, the time required to execute the external action, and the risk associated with hangs in external action code or behaviors.
Routine invocation when input parameters are null (CALLED ON NULL INPUT clause specification)
  • If receiving null input parameter values results in no logic being executed and an immediate return by the routine, you can modify your routine so that it is not fully invoked when null input parameter values are detected. To create a routine that ends invocation early if routine input parameters are received, create the routine and specify the CALLED ON NULL INPUT clause.
Procedure parameters of type XML
  • The passing of parameters of data type XML is significantly less efficient in external procedures implemented in either the C or JAVA programming language than in SQL procedures. When passing one or more parameters of data type XML, consider using SQL procedures instead of external procedures.
  • XML data is materialized when passed to stored procedures as IN, OUT, or INOUT parameters. If you are using Java stored procedures, the heap size (JAVA_HEAP_SZ configuration parameter) might need to be increased based on the quantity and size of XML arguments, and the number of external stored procedures that are being executed concurrently.

Once routines are created and deployed, it might be harder to determine what environmental and routine specific factors are impacting routine performance, and hence it is important to design routines with performance in mind.