DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Default JDBC autocommit modes

The default autocommit mode depends on the data source to which the JDBC application connects.

Autocommit default for DB2 data sources

For connections to DB2® data sources, the default autocommit mode is true.

Autocommit default for IBM Informix data sources

For connections to IBM® Informix® data sources, the default autocommit mode depends on the type of data source. The following table shows the defaults.

Table 1. Default autocommit modes for IBM Informix data sources
Type of data source Default autocommit mode for local transactions Default autocommit mode for global transactions
ANSI-compliant database true false
Non-ANSI-compliant database without logging false not applicable
Non-ANSI-compliant database with logging true false