DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

sqle_activate_db API - Activate database

Activates the specified database and starts up all necessary database services, so that the database is available for connection and use by any application.


This API activates the specified database on all database partition servers. If one or more of these database partition servers encounters an error during activation of the database, a warning is returned. The database remains activated on all database partition servers on which the API has succeeded.
Note: If it is the coordinator partition or the catalog partition that encounters the error, the API returns a negative sqlcode, and the database will not be activated on any database partition server.


One of the following:
  • sysadm
  • sysctrl
  • sysmaint

Required connection

None. Applications invoking ACTIVATE DATABASE cannot have any existing database connections.

API include file


API and data structure syntax

  sqle_activate_db (
        char * pDbAlias,
        char * pUserName,
        char * pPassword,
        void * pReserved,
        struct sqlca * pSqlca);

  sqlg_activate_db (
        unsigned short DbAliasLen,
        unsigned short UserNameLen,
        unsigned short PasswordLen,
        char * pDbAlias,
        char * pUserName,
        char * pPassword,
        void * pReserved,
        struct sqlca * pSqlca);

sqle_activate_db API parameters

Input. Pointer to the database alias name.
Input. Pointer to the user ID starting the database. Can be NULL.
Input. Pointer to the password for the user name. Can be NULL, but must be specified if a user name is specified.
Reserved for future use.
Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure.

sqlg_activate_db API-specific parameters

Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length of the database alias name in bytes.
Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length of the user name in bytes. Set to zero if no user name is supplied.
Input. A 2-byte unsigned integer representing the length of the password in bytes. Set to zero if no password is supplied.

Usage notes

If a database has not been started, and a DB2 CONNECT TO (or an implicit connect) is encountered in an application, the application must wait while the database manager starts up the required database. In such cases, this first application spends time on database initialization before it can do any work. However, once the first application has started a database, other applications can simply connect and use it.

Database administrators can use ACTIVATE DATABASE to start up selected databases. This eliminates any application time spent on database initialization.

Databases initialized by ACTIVATE DATABASE can only be shut down by sqle_deactivate_db, or by db2InstanceStop. To obtain a list of activated databases, call db2GetSnapshot.

If a database was started by a DB2 CONNECT TO (or an implicit connect) and subsequently an ACTIVATE DATABASE is issued for that same database, then DEACTIVATE DATABASE must be used to shut down that database.

ACTIVATE DATABASE behaves in a similar manner to a DB2 CONNECT TO (or an implicit connect) when working with a database requiring a restart (for example, database in an inconsistent state). The database will be restarted before it can be initialized by ACTIVATE DATABASE.

REXX API syntax

This API can be called from REXX through the SQLDB2 interface.