Checklist for annotated XML schema decomposition

Annotated XML schema decomposition can become complex. To make the task more manageable, you should take several things into consideration.

Annotated XML schema decomposition requires you to map possibly multiple XML elements and attributes to multiple columns and tables in the database. This mapping can also involve transforming the XML data before inserting it, or applying conditions for insertion.

The following are items to consider when annotating your XML schema, along with pointers to related documentation:
  • Understand what decomposition annotations are available to you.
  • Ensure, during mapping, that the type of the column is compatible with the XML schema type of the element or attribute it is being mapped to.
  • Structure your XML schema to minimize demands made on system memory resources.
  • Ensure complex types derived by restriction or extension are properly annotated.
  • Confirm that no decomposition limits and restrictions are violated.
  • Ensure that the tables and columns referenced in the annotation exist at the time the schema is registered with the XSR.