Changes to database manager configuration parameters

version 11.1 contains a number of new and changed database manager configuration parameters.

Review the changes to learn which ones might affect your existing applications and to determine whether you have to adjust them.

Also, review the list of deprecated and discontinued database manager configuration parameters to learn about additional changes that might also affect your applications and scripts.


Changed database manager configuration parameters
The following table lists the database manager configuration parameters with changes to their default values.
Table 1. Summary of configuration parameters with changed default values
Parameter name Details about default value change
mon_heap_sz The range of MON_HEAP_SZ has been extended on 64-bit instances from 0 – 2 147 483 647. MON_HEAP_SZ has also changed from a Uint16 type to a Uint64 type.
The following database manager configuration parameters have changed behaviors or have new ranges in version 11.1.
Table 2. Summary of database manager configuration parameters with changed behaviors, new ranges, or new values
Parameter name Details about the change in version 11.1
INSTANCE_MEMORY You can now specify the instance_memory limit by calculating the percentage of available RAM divided by the number of local partitions, or specify the memory limit as the number of 4KB pages.


Take advantage of enhanced functionality or new features by adopting new functionality through the use of new database manager configuration parameters or new values for existing database manager configuration parameters.

For new database manager configuration parameters or changes to existing database manager configuration parameters that result in Db2 server behavior changes, adjust your existing applications or scripts.