CONTACTGROUPS administrative view - Retrieve the list of contact groups

The CONTACTGROUPS administrative view returns the list of contact groups, which can be defined locally on the system or in a global list. The setting of the Database Administration Server (DAS) contact_host configuration parameter determines whether the list is local or global.

The schema is SYSIBMADM.


One of the following authorizations is required:
  • SELECT privilege on the CONTACTGROUPS administrative view
  • CONTROL privilege on the CONTACTGROUPS administrative view
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority
  • ACCESSCTRL authority
  • SECADM authority

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, SELECT privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the view is automatically created.


Retrieve all contact group lists.
The following is an example of output for this query.
NAME          DESCRIPTION                    MEMBERNAME        MEMBERTYPE   
-------...--- ------------------------...--- -----------...--- ----------   
group1        DBA Group1 Contact List        name1             CONTACT      
group1        DBA Group1 Contact List        name9             CONTACT      
group2        DBA Group2 List                name2             CONTACT      
group3                                       group2            GROUP        
group5        DBA Group5                     group2            GROUP        
group6        DBA Group6                     group3            GROUP        
group7                                       name1             CONTACT      
  7 record(s) selected.   

Usage note

The DAS must have been created and be running.

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned by the CONTACTGROUPS administrative view
Column name Data type Description
NAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the contact group.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(128) Description of the contact group.
MEMBERNAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the member in the contact group. This name can refer to a contact or another contact group.
MEMBERTYPE VARCHAR(7) Type of member in the contact group. The type is either CONTACT or GROUP.