Each row represents an identity column that is defined for a table.

Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
TABSCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   Schema name of the table or view that contains the column.
TABNAME VARCHAR (128)   Unqualified name of the table or view that contains the column.
COLNAME VARCHAR (128)   Name of the column.
START DECIMAL (31,0) Y Start value of the sequence. The null value if the sequence is an alias.
INCREMENT DECIMAL (31,0) Y Increment value. The null value if the sequence is an alias.
MINVALUE DECIMAL (31,0) Y Minimum value of the sequence. The null value if the sequence is an alias.
MAXVALUE DECIMAL (31,0) Y Maximum value of the sequence. The null value if the sequence is an alias.
CYCLE CHAR (1)   Indicates whether or not the sequence can continue to generate values after reaching its maximum or minimum value.
  • N = Sequence cannot cycle
  • Y = Sequence can cycle
  • Blank = Sequence is an alias.
CACHE INTEGER   Number of sequence values to pre-allocate in memory for faster access. 0 indicates that values of the sequence are not to be preallocated. In a partitioned database, this value applies to each database partition. -1 if the sequence is an alias.
ORDER CHAR (1)   Indicates whether or not the sequence numbers must be generated in order of request.
  • N = Sequence numbers are not required to be generated in order of request
  • Y = Sequence numbers must be generated in order of request
  • Blank = Sequence is an alias.
NEXTCACHEFIRSTVALUE DECIMAL (31,0) Y The first value available to be assigned in the next cache block. If no caching, the next value available to be assigned.
SEQID INTEGER   Identifier for the sequence or alias.