Each row represents a built-in or user-defined data type.

Table 1. SYSCAT.DATATYPES Catalog View
Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   Schema name of the data type if TYPEMODULEID is null; otherwise schema name of the module to which the data type belongs.
TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the user-defined type belongs. The null value if not a module user-defined type.
TYPENAME VARCHAR (128)   Unqualified name of the data type.
OWNER VARCHAR (128)   Authorization ID of the owner of the type.
  • S = The owner is the system
  • U = The owner is an individual user
SOURCESCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y For distinct types or array types, the schema name of the source data type. For user-defined structured types, the schema name of the built-in type of the reference representation type. Null for other data types.
SOURCEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the source data type belongs. The null value if not a module source data type.
SOURCENAME VARCHAR (128) Y For distinct types or array types, the unqualified name of the source data type. For user-defined structured types, the unqualified built-in type name of the reference representation type. Null for other data types.
  • A = User-defined array type
  • C = User-defined cursor type
  • F = User-defined row type
  • L = User-defined associative array type
  • R = User-defined structured type
  • S = System predefined type
  • T = User-defined distinct type
TYPERULES CHAR(1)   Indicates the type rules for the user-defined type.
  • S = Strong typing
  • W = Weak typing
  • Blank = Not applicable
TYPEID SMALLINT   Identifier for the data type.
TYPEMODULEID INTEGER Y Identifier for the module to which the user-defined type belongs. The null value if not a module user-defined type.
SOURCETYPEID SMALLINT Y Identifier for the source type (the null value for built-in types). For user-defined structured types, this is the identifier of the reference representation type.
SOURCEMODULEID INTEGER Y Identifier for the module to which the source data type belongs. The null value if not a module source data type.
PUBLISHED CHAR (1)   Indicates whether the module user-defined type can be referenced outside its module.
  • N = The module user-defined type is not published
  • Y = The module user-defined type is published
  • Blank = Not applicable
LENGTH INTEGER   Maximum length of the type. 0 for built-in parameterized types (for example, DECIMAL and VARCHAR ). For user-defined structured types, this is the length of the reference representation type.
SCALE SMALLINT   Scale for distinct types or reference representation types based on the built-in DECIMAL type; the number of digits of fractional seconds for distinct types based on the built-in TIMESTAMP type; 6 for the built-in TIMESTAMP type; 0 for all other types (including DECIMAL itself).
TYPESTRINGUNITS VARCHAR (11) Y In a Unicode database, the string units that apply to a character string or graphic string data type. Otherwise, the null value.
STRINGUNITSLENGTH INTEGER Y In a Unicode database, the declared number of string units for a character string or graphic string data type. Otherwise, the null value.
CODEPAGE SMALLINT   Database code page for string types, distinct types based on string types, or reference representation types; 0 otherwise.
COLLATIONSCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y For string types, the schema name of the collation for the data type; the null value otherwise.
COLLATIONNAME VARCHAR (128) Y For string types, the unqualified name of the collation for the data type; the null value otherwise.
ARRAY_LENGTH INTEGER Y Maximum cardinality of the array. The null value if METATYPE is not 'A'.
ARRAYINDEXTYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema of the data type of the array index. The null value if METATYPE is not 'L'.
ARRAYINDEXTYPENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Name of the data type of the array index. The null value if METATYPE is not 'L'.
ARRAYINDEXTYPEID SMALLINT Y Identifier for the array index type. The null value if METATYPE is not 'L'.
ARRAYINDEXTYPELENGTH INTEGER Y Maximum length of the array index data type. The null value if METATYPE is not 'L'.
ARRAYINDEXTYPE_STRINGUNITS VARCHAR (11) Y In a Unicode database, the string units that apply to a character string array index data type. Otherwise, the null value.
ARRAYINDEXTYPE_STRINGUNITSLENGTH INTEGER Y In a Unicode database, the declared number of string units for a character string array index data type. Otherwise, the null value.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP   Creation time of the data type.
  • N = The data type is invalid
  • Y = The data type is valid
ATTRCOUNT SMALLINT   Number of attributes in the data type.
  • N = Type cannot be instantiated
  • Y = Type can be instantiated
  • N = Methods for this type cannot be invoked using function notation.
  • Y = All the methods for this type can be invoked using function notation.
  • N = The user-defined type can have subtypes.
  • Y = The user-defined type cannot have subtypes.
INLINE_LENGTH INTEGER   Maximum length of a structured type that can be kept with a base table row; 0 otherwise.
NATURAL_INLINE_LENGTH INTEGER Y System-generated natural inline length of a structured type instance. The null value if this type is not a structured type.
JARSCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema name of the JAR_ID that identifies the Jar file containing the Java™ class that implements the SQL type. The null value if the EXTERNAL NAME clause is not specified.
JAR_ID VARCHAR (128) Y Identifier for the Jar file that contains the Java class that implements the SQL type. The null value if the EXTERNAL NAME clause is not specified.
CLASS VARCHAR (384) Y Java class that implements the SQL type. The null value if the EXTERNAL NAME clause is not specified.
SQLJ_REPRESENTATION CHAR (1) Y SQLJ "representation_spec" of the Java class that implements the SQL type. The null value if the EXTERNAL NAME ... LANGUAGE JAVA REPRESENTATION SPEC clause is not specified.
  • D = SQL data
  • S = Serializable
ALTER_TIME TIMESTAMP   Time at which the data type was last altered.
DEFINER1 VARCHAR (128)   Authorization ID of the owner of the type.
NULLS CHAR (1)   Nullability attribute for the type.
  • N = Type is not nullable
  • Y = Type is nullable
FUNC_PATH CLOB (2K) Y SQL path in effect when the type was created. The null value if no data type check constraint exists.
CONSTRAINT_TEXT CLOB (64K) Y Predicate text which constrains the values allowed for the data type. The null value if no data type check constraint exists.
LAST_REGEN_TIME TIMESTAMP   Time at which the data type check constraint was last regenerated. The same value as CREATE_TIME if no data type check constraint exists.
ENVSTRINGUNITS VARCHAR (11)   Default string units when the object was created.
REMARKS VARCHAR (254) Y User-provided comments, or the null value.
  1. The DEFINER column is included for backwards compatibility. See OWNER.