Each row represents the configuration of a buffer pool on one database partition group of a database, or on all database partitions of a database.

Table 1. SYSCAT.BUFFERPOOLS Catalog View
Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
BPNAME VARCHAR (128)   Name of the buffer pool.
BUFFERPOOLID INTEGER   Identifier for the buffer pool.
DBPGNAME VARCHAR (128) Y Name of the database partition group (the null value if the buffer pool exists on all database partitions in the database).
NPAGES INTEGER   Default number of pages in this buffer pool on database partitions in this database partition group. -1(Computed) and -2(Automatic).
PAGESIZE INTEGER   Page size for this buffer pool on database partitions in this database partition group.
ESTORE INTEGER   Always 'N'. Extended storage no longer applies.
NUMBLOCKPAGES INTEGER   Number of pages of the buffer pool that are to be in a block-based area. A block-based area of the buffer pool is only used by prefetchers doing a sequential prefetch.
BLOCKSIZE INTEGER   Number of pages in a block.
NGNAME1 VARCHAR (128) Y Name of the database partition group (the null value if the buffer pool exists on all database partitions in the database).
  1. The NGNAME column is included for backwards compatibility. See DBPGNAME.