Choosing MDC table dimensions

After you have decided to work with multidimensional clustering tables, the dimensions that you choose will depend not only on the type of queries that will use the tables and benefit from block-level clustering, but even more importantly on the amount and distribution of your actual data.

Queries that will benefit from MDC

The first consideration when choosing clustering dimensions for your table is the determination of which queries will benefit from clustering at a block level. Typically, there will be several candidates when choosing dimensions based on the queries that make up the work to be done on the data. The ranking of these candidates is important. Columns that are involved in equality or range predicate queries, and especially columns with low cardinalities, show the greatest benefit from clustering dimensions. Consider creating dimensions for foreign keys in an MDC fact table involved in star joins with dimension tables. Keep in mind the performance benefits of automatic and continuous clustering on more than one dimension, and of clustering at the extent or block level.

There are many queries that can take advantage of multidimensional clustering. Examples of such queries follow. In some of these examples, assume that there is an MDC table t1 with dimensions c1, c2, and c3. In the other examples, assume that there is an MDC table mdctable with dimensions color and nation.

Example 1:

SELECT .... FROM t1 WHERE c3 < 5000

This query involves a range predicate on a single dimension, so it can be internally rewritten to access the table using the dimension block index on c3. The index is scanned for block identifiers (BIDs) of keys having values less than 5000, and a mini-relational scan is applied to the resulting set of blocks to retrieve the actual records.

Example 2:

SELECT .... FROM t1 WHERE c2 IN (1,2037)

This query involves an IN predicate on a single dimension, and can trigger block index based scans. This query can be internally rewritten to access the table using the dimension block index on c2. The index is scanned for BIDs of keys having values of 1 and 2037, and a mini-relational scan is applied to the resulting set of blocks to retrieve the actual records.

Example 3:
Figure 1. A query request that uses a logical AND operation with two block indexes
Logical and operation used to create the resultant group of block ID (BIDs) to be scanned.

To carry out this query request, the following is done (and is shown in Figure 1):

  • A dimension block index lookup is done: one for the Blue slice and another for the USA slice.
  • A block logical AND operation is carried out to determine the intersection of the two slices. That is, the logical AND operation determines only those blocks that are found in both slices.
  • A mini-relation scan of the resulting blocks in the table is carried out.

Example 4:

   WHERE c2 > 100 AND c1 = '16/03/1999' AND c3 > 1000 AND c3 < 5000

This query involves range predicates on c2 and c3 and an equality predicate on c1, along with a logical AND operation. This can be internally rewritten to access the table on each of the dimension block indexes:

  • A scan of the c2 block index is done to find BIDs of keys having values greater than 100
  • A scan of the c3 block index is done to find BIDs of keys having values between 1000 and 5000
  • A scan of the c1 block index is done to find BIDs of keys having the value '16/03/1999'.

A logical AND operation is then done on the resulting BIDs from each block scan, to find their intersection, and a mini-relational scan is applied to the resulting set of blocks to find the actual records.

Example 5:

To carry out this query request, the following is done:

  • A dimension block index lookup is done: one for each slice.
  • A logical OR operation is done to find the union of the two slices.
  • A mini-relation scan of the resulting blocks in the table is carried out.

Example 6:

SELECT .... FROM t1 WHERE c1 < 5000 OR c2 IN (1,2,3)

This query involves a range predicate on the c1 dimension, an IN predicate on the c2 dimension, and a logical OR operation. This can be internally rewritten to access the table on the dimension block indexes c1 and c2. A scan of the c1 dimension block index is done to find values less than 5000 and another scan of the c2 dimension block index is done to find values 1, 2, and 3. A logical OR operation is done on the resulting BIDs from each block index scan, then a mini-relational scan is applied to the resulting set of blocks to find the actual records.

Example 7:

SELECT .... FROM t1 WHERE c1 = 15 AND c4 < 12

This query involves an equality predicate on the c1 dimension and another range predicate on a column that is not a dimension, along with a logical AND operation. This can be internally rewritten to access the dimension block index on c1, to get the list of blocks from the slice of the table having value 15 for c1. If there is a RID index on c4, an index scan can be done to retrieve the RIDs of records having c4 less than 12, and then the resulting list of blocks undergoes a logical AND operation with this list of records. This intersection eliminates RIDs not found in the blocks having c1 of 15, and only those listed RIDs found in the blocks that qualify are retrieved from the table.

If there is no RID index on c4, then the block index can be scanned for the list of qualifying blocks, and during the mini-relational scan of each block, the predicate c4 < 12 can be applied to each record found.

Example 8:

Given a scenario where there are dimensions for color, year, nation and a row ID (RID) index on the part number, the following query is possible.
Figure 2. A query request that uses a logical AND operation on a block index and a row ID (RID) index
Logical AND operation used to create the resultant group of row IDs.

To carry out this query request, the following is done (and is shown in Figure 2):

  • A dimension block index lookup and a RID index lookup are done.
  • A logical AND operation is used with the blocks and RIDs to determine the intersection of the slice and those rows meeting the predicate condition.
  • The result is only those RIDs that also belong to the qualifying blocks.

Example 9:

Figure 3. How block index and row ID using a logical OR operation works
Logical OR operation used to create the qualifying blocks plus any additional row IDs outside the blocks.

To carry out this query request, the following is done (and is shown in Figure 3):

  • A dimension block index lookup and a RID index lookup are done.
  • A logical OR operation is used with the blocks and RIDs to determine the union of the slice and those rows meeting the predicate condition.
  • The result is all of the rows in the qualifying blocks, plus additional RIDs that fall outside the qualifying blocks that meet the predicate condition. A mini-relational scan of each of the blocks is performed to retrieve their records, and the additional records outside these blocks are retrieved individually.

Example 10:

SELECT ... FROM t1 WHERE c1 < 5 OR c4 = 100

This query involves a range predicate on dimension c1, an equality predicate on a non-dimension column c4, and a logical OR operation. If there is a RID index on the c4 column, this might be internally rewritten to do a logical OR operation using the dimension block index on c1 and the RID index on c4. If there is no index on c4, a table scan might be chosen instead, because all records must be checked. The logical OR operation uses a block index scan on c1 for values less than 4, and a RID index scan on c4 for values of 100. A mini-relational scan is performed on each block that qualifies, because all records within those blocks will qualify, and any additional RIDs for records outside of those blocks are retrieved as well.

Example 11:

SELECT .... FROM t1,d1,d2,d3
   WHERE t1.c1 = d1.c1 and d1.region = 'NY'
      AND t2.c2 = d2.c3 and d2.year='1994'
      AND t3.c3 = d3.c3 and d3.product='basketball'

This query involves a star join. In this example, t1 is the fact table and it has foreign keys c1, c2, and c3, corresponding to the primary keys of d1, d2, and d3, the dimension tables. The dimension tables do not need to be MDC tables. Region, year, and product are columns of the dimension tables that can be indexed using regular or block indexes (if the dimension tables are MDC tables). When accessing the fact table on c1, c2, and c3 values, block index scans of the dimension block indexes on these columns can be done, followed by a logical AND operation using the resulting BIDs. When there is a list of blocks, a mini-relational scan can be done on each block to get the records.

Density of cells

The choices made for the appropriate dimensions and for the extent size are of critical importance to MDC design. These factors determine the table's expected cell density. They are important because an extent is allocated for every existing cell, regardless of the number of records in the cell. The right choices will take advantage of block-based indexing and multidimensional clustering, resulting in performance gains. The goal is to have densely-filled blocks to get the most benefit from multidimensional clustering, and to get optimal space utilization.

Thus, a very important consideration when designing a multidimensional table is the expected density of cells in the table, based on present and anticipated data. You can choose a set of dimensions, based on query performance, that cause the potential number of cells in the table to be very large, based on the number of possible values for each of the dimensions. The number of possible cells in the table is equal to the Cartesian product of the cardinalities of each of the dimensions. For example, if you cluster the table on dimensions Day, Region and Product and the data covers 5 years, you might have 1821 days * 12 regions * 5 products = 109 260 different possible cells in the table. Any cell that contains only a few records still requires an entire block of pages to store its records. If the block size is large, this table might end up being much larger than it needs to be.

There are several design factors that can contribute to optimal cell density:

  • Varying the number of dimensions.
  • Varying the granularity of one or more dimensions.
  • Varying the block (extent) size and page size of the table space.

Carry out the following steps to achieve the best design possible:

  1. Identify candidate dimensions.

    Determine which queries will benefit from block-level clustering. Examine the potential workload for columns which have some or all of the following characteristics:

    • Range and equality of any IN-list predicates
    • Roll-in or roll-out of data
    • Group-by and order-by clauses
    • Join clauses (especially in star schema environments).
  2. Estimate the number of cells.

    Identify how many potential cells are possible in a table organized along a set of candidate dimensions. Determine the number of unique combinations of the dimension values that occur in the data. If the table exists, an exact number can be determined for the current data by selecting the number of distinct values in each of the columns that will be dimensions for the table. Alternatively, an approximation can be determined if you only have the statistics for a table, by multiplying the column cardinalities for the dimension candidates.

    Note: If your table is in a partitioned database environment, and the distribution key is not related to any of the dimensions considered, determine an average amount of data per cell by taking all of the data and dividing by the number of database partitions.
  3. Estimate the space occupancy or density.

    On average, consider that each cell has one partially-filled block where only a few rows are stored. There will be more partially-filled blocks as the number of rows per cell becomes smaller. Also, note that on average (assuming little or no data skew), the number of records per cell can be found by dividing the number of records in the table by the number of cells. However, if your table is in a partitioned database environment, consider how many records there are per cell on each database partition, because blocks are allocated for data on a database partition basis. When estimating the space occupancy and density in a partitioned database environment, consider the average number of records per cell on each database partition, not across the entire table.

    There are several ways to improve the density:

    • Reduce the block size so that partially-filled blocks take up less space.

      Reduce the size of each block by making the extent size appropriately small. Each cell that has a partially-filled block, or that contains only one block with few records on it, wastes less space. The trade-off, however, is that for those cells having many records, more blocks are needed to contain them. This increases the number of block identifiers (BIDs) for these cells in the block indexes, making these indexes larger and potentially resulting in more inserts and deletes to these indexes as blocks are more quickly emptied and filled. It also results in more small groupings of clustered data in the table for these more populated cell values, versus a smaller number of larger groupings of clustered data.

    • Reduce the number of cells by reducing the number of dimensions, or by increasing the granularity of the cells with a generated column.

      You can roll up one or more dimensions to a coarser granularity to give it a lower cardinality. For example, you can continue to cluster the data in the previous example on Region and Product, but replace the dimension of Day with a dimension of YearAndMonth. This gives cardinalities of 60 (12 months times 5 years), 12, and 5 for YearAndMonth, Region, and Product, with a possible number of cells of 3600. Each cell then holds a greater range of values and is less likely to contain only a few records.

      Take into account predicates commonly used on the columns involved, such as whether many are on Month of Date, or Quarter, or Day. This affects the desirability of changing the granularity of the dimension. If, for example, most predicates are on particular days and you have clustered the table on Month, Db2® can use the block index on YearAndMonth to quickly narrow down which months contain the required days and access only those associated blocks. When scanning the blocks, however, the Day predicate must be applied to determine which days qualify. However, if you cluster on Day (and Day has high cardinality), the block index on Day can be used to determine which blocks to scan, and the Day predicate only has to be reapplied to the first record of each cell that qualifies. In this case, it might be better to consider rolling up one of the other dimensions to increase the density of cells, as in rolling up the Region column, which contains 12 different values, to Regions West, North, South and East, using a user-defined function.