User, user ID and group naming rules

User, user ID and group names must follow naming guidelines.

Table 1. User, user ID and group naming rules
Objects Guidelines
  • Group names
  • User names
  • User IDs
  • Group names must be less than or equal to the group name length listed in SQL and XML limits.
  • User IDs on Linux® and UNIX operating systems can contain up to 128 bytes.
  • On Linux and UNIX platforms, characters for user names and group names must not contain uppercase A through Z.
  • User names on Windows can contain up to 30 characters.
  • When not using Client authentication, non-Windows 32-bit clients connecting to Windows with user names longer than the user name length listed in SQL and XML limits are supported when the user name and password are specified explicitly.
  • Names and IDs cannot:
    • Be USERS, ADMINS, GUESTS, PUBLIC, LOCAL or any SQL reserved word
    • Begin with IBM, SQL or SYS.
  1. Some operating systems allow case sensitive user IDs and passwords. You should check your operating system documentation to see if this is the case.
  2. The authorization ID returned from a successful CONNECT or ATTACH is truncated to the authorization name length listed in SQL and XML limits. An ellipsis (...) is appended to the authorization ID and the SQLWARN fields contain warnings to indicate truncation.
  3. Trailing blanks from user IDs and passwords are removed.