db2updserv - Show product updates command

Shows the product updates and enhancements available for Db2® database products. On Windows, the output from this command goes to a Web page, on UNIX, it goes to a Java™ application .

Important: The db2updserv utility is discontinued. It is not available to users of Db2 v11.1.4.6 and later versions. Going forward, users will be notified of upcoming releases.



Required Connection

Internet connection required.

For UNIX and Linux® systems, if you connect to the internet through an HTTP proxy server, you must specify your HTTP proxy server host name and port in the DB2DIR</varname>/java/jdk64/jre/lib/net.properties file before you run the db2updserv command. For more information, see the Usage Notes section.

Command Syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramdb2updserv

Command parameters


Usage notes

  • For UNIX and Linux systems only:
    When using an HTTP proxy server, you must set your HTTP proxy host name and port in a properties file before you can use the db2updserv command. To set up your HTTP proxy server host name and port, edit the DB2DIR/java/jdk64/jre/lib/net.properties file, where DB2DIR is the location where the current version of the Db2 database product is installed. Edit the file to include the following parameters:
    http.proxyHost=host name
    http.proxyPort=port number
    Where host name is the host name of your HTTP proxy server and port number is the port number for your HTTP proxy.
    For example:

    If other Java applications need to connect to other servers directly and not through an HTTP proxy server, than specify the server host names in the nonProxyHosts parameter.