db2chgpath - Change embedded runtime path command

Used by the Db2® database installer on Linux® and UNIX operating systems to update the embedded runtime path in the related Db2 database library and executable files. The command can be reissued under the direction of IBM® Db2 database support if there were errors related to the command during the Db2 database installation.
Note: If SELinux (Security-enhanced Linux) is enabled after the Db2 database installations on Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5 (RHEL5), you need to manually run this command for each Db2 database installation of the current release to make the Db2 database system work properly. See the Usage notes section for additional information.


Root installations require root user authority. For non-root installations, you must log on with the user ID that owns the non-root installation.

Required Connection


Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramdb2chgpath-d -ffile-name

Command parameters

Turns debug mode on. Use this option only when instructed by Db2 database support.
-f file-name
Specifies a specific file name to update the runtime path. file-name should have the path name relative to the base of the current Db2 database product install location.


  • To check all files under the Db2 database product install path and do a runtime path update, issue:
  • To update the path for a specific file called libdb2.a which is under DB2_installation_path/lib64 directory, issue:
    DB2_installation_path/install/db2chgpath -f lib64/libdb2.a

Usage notes

On RHEL5 systems, if you have installed a Db2 database product, when SELinux was either uninstalled or disabled, and want to enable SELinux, these are the steps:
  • Install SELinux rpms if necessary.
  • Change /etc/sysconfig/selinux; set the status to "permissive" or "enforcing".
  • Reboot the machine to apply SELinux labels to all files.
  • Run db2chgpath to set the SELinux attribute that allows Db2 shared libraries with text relocations to be loaded (textrel_shlib_t).