The UNCATALOG LDAP DATABASE command deregisters the database from Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).



Required connection


Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramUNCATALOG LDAPDATABASEDBdbaliasUSERusernamePASSWORDpassword

Command parameters

DATABASE dbalias
Specifies the alias of the LDAP database to uncatalog.
USER username
Specifies the user's LDAP distinguished name (DN). The LDAP user DN must have sufficient authority to delete the object from the LDAP directory. If the user's LDAP DN is not specified, the credentials of the current logon user will be used.
PASSWORD password
Account password.

Usage notes

When a database is dropped, the database object is removed from LDAP. The database is also automatically deregistered from LDAP when the database server that manages the database is deregistered from LDAP. It might, however, be necessary to manually uncatalog the database from LDAP if:
  • The database server does not support LDAP. The administrator must manually uncatalog each database from LDAP after the database is dropped.
  • During DROP DATABASE, the database object cannot be removed from LDAP (because LDAP cannot be accessed). In this case, the database is still removed from the local machine, but the existing entry in LDAP is not deleted.