DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

EXPLAIN_FORMAT_STATS scalar function

This scalar function is used to display formatted statistics information which is parsed and extracted from explain snapshot captured for a given query.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

The schema is SYSPROC.

Function parameters

An input argument of type BLOB(10M) that is the explain snapshot captured for a given query. It is stored as snapshot column of explain table EXPLAIN_STATEMENT


One of the following authorities is required to execute the routine:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the routine
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority
  • EXPLAIN authority

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, EXECUTE privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the function is automatically created.

Information returned

The data type of the result is CLOB(50M).


      EXPLAIN_TIME = timestamp('2006-05-12-') AND
      STMTNO = 1 AND
      SECTNO = 201

The following is a sample output of this function:

Tablespace Context:
Name:                                     USERSPACE1
Overhead:                                 7.500000
Transfer Rate:                            0.060000
Prefetch Size:                            32
Extent Size:                              32
Type:                                     Database managed
Partition Group Name:                     NULLP
Buffer Pool Identifier:                   0

Base Table Statistics:
Name:                                     T1
Schema:                                   DB2USER2
Number of Columns:                        3
Number of Pages with Rows:                1
Number of Pages:                          1
Number of Rows:                           5
Table Overflow Record Count:              0
Width of Rows:                            26
Time of Creation:                         2006-06-16-
Last Statistics Update:                   2006-06-26-
Statistics Type:                          Fabrication
Primary Tablespace:                       USERSPACE1
Tablespace for Indexes:                   USERSPACE1
Tablespace for Long Data:                 NULLP
Number of Referenced Columns:             2
Number of Indexes:                        1
Volatile Table:                           No
Table Active Blocks:                      1
Number of Column Groups:                  0
Number of Data Partitions:                1
Average Row Compression Ratio:            -9.000000
Percent Rows Compressed:                  -9.000000
Average Compressed Row Size:              -9
Statistics Type:                          U

Column Information:
Number:                                   1
Name:                                     C1
Statistics Available:                     Yes

Column Statistics:
Schema name of the column type:           SYSIBM
Name of column type:                      INTEGER
Maximum column length:                    4
Scale for decimal column:                 0
Number of distinct column values:         4
Average column length:                    5
Number of most frequent values:           1
Number of quantiles:                      5
Second highest data value:                3
Second lowest data value:                 2
Column sequence in partition key:         0
Average number of sub-elements:           -1
Average length of delimiters:             -1

Column Distribution Statistics:
Frequency Statistics:
     Valcount   Value
     ---------- -----------
     2          1

Quantile Statistics: 
     Valcount   Distcount   Value
     ---------- ----------- ----------
     0          1           1
     2          1           1
     3          2           2
     4          3           3
     5          4           4

Column Information:
Number:                                    2 
Name:                                      C2
Statistics Available:                      Yes

Column Statistics:
Schema name of the column type:            SYSIBM
Name of column type:                       INTEGER
Maximum column length:                     4
Scale for decimal column:                  0
Number of distinct column values:          4
Average column length:                     5
Number of most frequent values:            1
Number of quantiles:                       5
Second highest data value:                 3
Second lowest data value:                  2
Column sequence in partition key:          0
Average number of sub-elements:            -1
Average length of delimiters:              -1

Column Distribution Statistics:
Frequency Statistics: 
      Valcount   Value 
      ---------- -----------
      2          1

Quantile Statistics: 
      Valcount   Distcount   Value 
      ---------- ----------- -----------
      0          0           1   
      2          0           1
      3          0           2
      4          0           4
      5          0           4

Indexes defined on the table:
Name:                                     IDX_T1C1C2
Schema:                                   DB2USER2
Unique Rule:                              Duplicate index
Used in Operator:                         Yes
Page Fetch Pairs:                         Not Available
Number of Columns:                        2
Index Leaf Pages:                         1
Index Tree Levels:                        1
Index First Key Cardinality:              4
Index Full Key Cardinality:               4
Index Cluster Ratio:                      100
Index Cluster Factor:                     -1.000000
Time of Creation:                         2006-06-16-
Last Statistics Update:                   2006-06-26-
Index Sequential Pages:                   0
Index First 2 Keys Cardinality:           4
Index First 3 Keys Cardinality:           -1
Index First 4 Keys Cardinality:           -1
Index Avg Gap between Sequences:          0.000000
Fetch Avg Gap between Sequences:          -1.000000
Index Avg Sequential Pages:               0.000000
Fetch Avg Sequential Pages:               -1.000000
Index Avg Random Pages:                   1.000000
Fetch Avg Random Pages:                   -1.000000
Index RID Count:                          5
Index Deleted RID Count:                  0
Index Empty Leaf Pages:                   0
Avg Partition Cluster Ratio:              -1
Avg Partition Cluster Factor:             -1.000000
Data Partition Cluster Factor:            1.000000
Data Partition Page Fetch Pairs:          Not Available 

Base Table Statistics:
Name:                                     T2
Schema:                                   DB2USER2
Number of Columns:                        3
Number of Pages with Rows:                1
Number of Pages:                          1
Number of Rows:                           2
Table Overflow Record Count:              0
Width of Rows:                            26
Time of Creation:                         2006-06-16-
Last Statistics Update:                   2006-06-26-
Statistics Type:                          Synchronous
Primary Tablespace:                       USERSPACE1
Tablespace for Indexes:                   USERSPACE1
Tablespace for Long Data:                 NULLP
Number of Referenced Columns:             2
Number of Indexes:                        1
Volatile Table:                           No
Table Active Blocks:                      -1
Number of Column Groups:                  0
Number of Data Partitions:                1

Column Information:
Number:                                   1
Name:                                     C1
Statistics Available:                     Yes

Column Statistics:
Schema name of the column type:           SYSIBM
Name of column type:                      INTEGER
Maximum column length:                    4
Scale for decimal column:                 0
Number of distinct column values:         2
Average column length:                    5
Number of most frequent values:           -1
Number of quantiles:                      2
Second highest data value:                2
Second lowest data value:                 1
Column sequence in partition key:         0
Average number of sub-elements:           -1
Average length of delimiters:             -1

Column Distribution Statistics:
Quantile Statistics: 
      Valcount   Distcount   Value
      ---------- ----------- -----------
      1          1           1
      2          2           2

Column Information:
Number:                                   2
Name:                                     C2
Statistics Available:                     Yes

Column Statistics:
Schema name of the column type:           SYSIBM
Name of column type:                      INTEGER
Maximum column length:                    4
Scale for decimal column:                 0
Number of distinct column values:         2
Average column length:                    5
Number of most frequent values:           -1
Number of quantiles:                      2
Second highest data value:                2
Second lowest data value:                 1
Column sequence in partition key:         0
Average number of sub-elements:           -1
Average length of delimiters:             -1

Column Distribution Statistics:
Quantile Statistics: 
      Valcount   Distcount   Value
      ---------- ----------- -----------
      1          0           1
      2          0           2

Indexes defined on the table:
Name  :                                   IDX_T2C1
Schema:                                   DB2USER2
Unique Rule:                              Duplicate index
Used in Operator:                         No
Page Fetch Pairs:                         Not Available
Number of Columns:                        1 
Index Leaf Pages:                         1
Index Tree Levels:                        1 
Index First Key Cardinality:              2
Index Full Key Cardinality:               2
Index Cluster Ratio:                      100 
Index Cluster Factor:                     -1.000000 
Time of Creation:                         2006-06-16-
Last Statistics Update:                   2006-06-26-
Index Sequential Pages:                   0
Index First 2 Keys Cardinality:           -1
Index First 3 Keys Cardinality:           -1
Index First 4 Keys Cardinality:           -1
Index Avg Gap between Sequences:          0.000000 
Fetch Avg Gap between Sequences:          -1.000000 
Index Avg Sequential Pages:               0.000000 
Fetch Avg Sequential Pages:               -1.000000 
Index Avg Random Pages:                   1.000000 
Fetch Avg Random Pages:                   -1.000000 
Index RID Count:                          2
Index Deleted RID Count:                  0
Index Empty Leaf Pages:                   0
Avg Partition Cluster Ratio:              -1 
Avg Partition Cluster Factor:             -1.000000 
Data Partition Cluster Factor:            1.000000 
Data Partition Page Fetch Pairs:          Not Available