DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Hardware and software requirements for DB2 Text Search

Software platforms

DB2® Text Search is supported on the following operating systems platforms:

Important: The libstdc++.so.5 shared library must be installed on Linux operating systems.

The stand-alone DB2 Text Search server is available for the previously listed platforms except for HP-UX 11i, and Solaris 10 x64 operating systems. Cross-platform usage is supported, a DB2 database instance on these platforms can be configured to use a stand-alone DB2 Text Search server on a supported platform.

Hardware requirements

The minimum hardware requirements for DB2 Text Search are as follows:

Table 1. Hardware requirements for DB2 Text Search
DB2 Text Search Server Processor RAM / Memory Disk

Integrated setup

(In addition to DB2 database server requirements)

2 dual-core 2.66 GHz 4 GB Including temporary working space, each text search index requires about four times the size of all documents that you want to index. For example, a text index on a column with 1 million rows of 1 KB text size needs about 4 GB of disk space.

Stand-alone setup

Actual disk space, memory, and processor consumption depends on a various factors such as the number of collections, the number of documents per collection, the number of concurrently indexed collections, the required indexing throughput, and the query load. For more information, see the DB2 Text Search capacity planning topics.

For recommended operating system user process resource limits on Linux and UNIX operating systems, see the topic about operating system user limit requirements. These general resource limit requirements apply to both the integrated and stand-alone setups of the DB2 Text Search server.