DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

DB2 Text Search scheduler changes

DB2® Text Search now uses the administrative task scheduler to automate the execution of tasks.


Scheduling tasks are automatically created and updated with the UPDATE FREQUENCY settings for the text search index. You can monitor the task list and the status of executed tasks by using administrative views for the scheduler. For more information about the scheduler, see the topic about using the administrative task scheduler.

The schedule for a text index is only visible to the user who created the schedule and to users with DBADM privileges. If a text index that has a schedule is dropped by a user who is not the creator of the text index, nor has DBADM privileges, the drop will complete successfully, but the schedule task remains. Similarly, if such a user alters a text index to remove an existing schedule, the schedule task will remain. This arises if multiple users cross-manage text indexes and do not have DBADM privileges, since the authorization ID of the user is used to execute the administrative operations. So, to remove these orphaned schedules, connect with DBADM privilege, check the scheduler task list, and remove any orphaned schedule tasks.


For text search indexes created with earlier releases, verify scheduled tasks and use the ALTER INDEX operation to set and update schedules.