DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


Resets the parameters in the database manager configuration file to the system defaults for the instance that contains the currently connected database. The values are reset by node type.



Required connection


Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
          +-DB MANAGER-------+  +-CONFIG--------+   
          '-DBM--------------'  '-CFG-----------'   

Command parameters



Reset the configuration of the instance which contains the database the ADMIN_CMD stored procedure belongs to.
CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD( 'reset dbm cfg' )

Usage notes

This command resets all parameters set by the installation program. This could cause error messages to be returned when restarting DB2®. For example, if the svcename parameter is reset, the user will receive the SQL5043N error message when trying to restart DB2.

Before running this command, save the output from the SYSIBMADM.DBMCFG administrative view to a file so that you can refer to the existing settings. Individual settings can then be updated using the UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command through the ADMIN_CMD procedure.

It is not recommended that the svcename parameter, set by the installation program, be modified by the user.

To view or print a list of the database manager configuration parameters, use the SYSIBMADM.DBMCFG administration view. To change the value of a configurable parameter, use the UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command through the ADMIN_CMD procedure.

For more information about these parameters, refer to the summary list of configuration parameters and the individual parameters.

Some changes to the database manager configuration file become effective only after they are loaded into memory. For more information aboutwhich parameters are configurable online and which ones are not, see the configuration parameter summary. Server configuration parameters that are not reset immediately are reset during execution of db2start. For a client configuration parameter, parameters are reset the next time you restart the application. If the client is the command line processor, it is necessary to invoke TERMINATE.

If an error occurs, the database manager configuration file does not change.

The database manager configuration file cannot be reset if the checksum is invalid. This might occur if you edit the configuration file manually and do not use the appropriate command. If the checksum is invalid, you must re-create the instance.