DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

REG_VARIABLES administrative view - Retrieve DB2 registry settings in use

The REG_VARIABLES administrative view returns the DB2® registry settings from all database partitions. The DB2 registry variable values returned when the REG_VARIABLES administrative view is queried can differ from those returned by the db2set command if a DB2 registry variable is configured using the db2set command after the instance has been started. The difference occurs because REG_VARIABLES only returns the values that were in effect when the instance was started.
Note: This administrative view has been deprecated and replaced by the ENV_GET_REG_VARIABLES table function - Retrieve DB2 registry settings in use

The schema is SYSIBMADM.


One of the following authorizations is required:
  • SELECT privilege on the REG_VARIABLES administrative view
  • CONTROL privilege on the REG_VARIABLES administrative view
  • DATAACCESS authority

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, SELECT privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the view is automatically created.


Request the DB2 registry settings that are currently being used.
The following is an example of output from this query.
-------------- ---------------...- -------------...- ------------ --------------...-
             0 DB2ADMINSERVER      DB2DAS00                     0 -                 
             0 DB2INSTPROF         D:\SQLLIB                    0 -                 
             0 DB2PATH             D:\SQLLIB                    0 -                 
             0 DB2SYSTEM           D570                         0 -                 
             0 DB2TEMPDIR          D:\SQLLIB\                   0 -                 
             0 DB2_EXTSECURITY     YES                          0 -                 

  6 record(s) selected.                                                                                          

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned by the REG_VARIABLES administrative view
Column name Data type Description
DBPARTITIONNUM SMALLINT dbpartitionnum - Database partition number monitor element
REG_VAR_NAME VARCHAR(256) Name of the DB2 registry variable.
REG_VAR_VALUE VARCHAR(2048) Current setting of the DB2 registry variable.
IS_AGGREGATE SMALLINT Indicates whether or not the DB2 registry variable is an aggregate variable. The possible return values are 0 if it is not an aggregate variable, and 1 if it is an aggregate variable.
AGGREGATE_NAME VARCHAR(256) Name of the aggregate if the DB2 registry variable is currently obtaining its value from a configured aggregate. If the registry variable is not being set through an aggregate, or is set through an aggregate but has been overridden, the value of AGGREGATE_NAME is NULL.
LEVEL CHAR(1) Indicates the level at which the DB2 registry variable acquires its value. The possible return values and the corresponding levels that they represent are:
  • I = instance
  • G = global
  • N = database partition
  • E = environment