DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Planning your DB2 servers upgrade

Planning the upgrade of DB2® servers requires that you review all of the applicable upgrade prerequisites, pre-upgrade tasks, upgrade tasks and post-upgrade tasks.

About this task

This task helps you create a an upgrade plan for DB2 servers in DB2 environments other than DB2 pureScale® environments.


To create an upgrade plan for your DB2 servers:

  1. Write the upgrade plan for DB2 servers, using all of the details that apply to your environment:
    Table 1. Upgrade plan details for DB2 servers.
    Upgrade plan Details
    Prerequisites Ensure that you:
    Pre-upgrade tasks Review the list of tasks in the Pre-upgrade tasks for DB2 servers topic. It includes the following:
    Upgrade task You must include these steps: Review the following upgrade tasks to determine the additional steps that are required to upgrade your environment: Take note of the time required to upgrade your databases.
    Post-upgrade tasks Review the list of tasks in the Post-upgrade tasks for DB2 servers topic. It includes the following:
    In addition, consider adding the following tasks to your upgrade plan:
  2. If you must be able to reverse the upgrade, add details to the plan about the tasks required to Reversing DB2 server upgrade. These details should include any steps required in the upgrade task that enables you to reverse the upgrade.
  3. Combine with the upgrade plan for other components such as clients, database applications, and routines to create an overall upgrade plan for your DB2 environment.