DB20000I The command command completed successfully.


No errors were encountered during the execution of this command.

User response

No action required.

DB21001E The option option-letter specified after the 'db2' command or in the DB2OPTIONS variable is incorrect.


The option specified is not supported. The supported options are:
Option Description
------ -------------------------------
-a  Display SQLCA
-c  Auto-commit
-f  Read from input file
-l  Log commands in history file
-n  Remove new line character
-o  Display output
-p  Display interactive prompt
-r  Save output report to file
-s  Stop execution on cmd error
-t  Set stmt termination character
-v  Echo current command
-w  Display FETCH/SELECT warnings
-x  Suppress printing of column
-z  Save all output to file

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid option.

DB21002E The parameter for option option-letter specified after the 'db2' command or in the DB2OPTIONS variable is missing or incorrect.


The following lists the options with parameters:
Option      Description
------      --------------------------
-ec         Display SQLCODE
-es         Display SQLSTATE
-f<filename> Read from input
-l<filename> Log commands in
            history file
-r<filename> Save output report
            to file <filename>
-td<x>       Set termination
            char to 'x'
-z<filename> Save all output to
            file <filename>

User response

Resubmit the command with the valid option and parameter.

DB21003E The value value in environment-variable is not valid.


The value for DB2BQTRY must be between 0 and 4294967295. The value for DB2BQTIME, DB2RQTIME or DB2IQTIME must be between 1 and 4294967295.

User response

Set the environment variable with the correct value and resubmit the command.

DB21004E You cannot specify both an input file and a command when invoking the Command Line Processor.


You cannot specify both the -f option and a command line command when invoking the command line processor.

User response

Correct the error and issue the command again.

DB21005E An error occurred while accessing the file filename.


The following could have caused the error:
  • file permissions do not allow file access
  • the file does not exist

User response

Correct the error and try again.

DB21006E The input command is too long. The maximum length is length.


The input command cannot exceed the length specified.

User response

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

DB21007E End of file reached while reading the command.


The last command was not executed because end of file was reached. Terminate the last command with a ';' (or your defined termination character) if the -t option was used. Remove the '\' from the last line in the command if the +t option was used.

User response

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

DB21008E Commands can only be entered from the command line processor interactive mode or file input mode.


The user attempted to enter a command line processor command from the DOS prompt.

User response

Use command line processor interactive mode or file input mode.

DB21009E This command must be launched from a command window running with full administrative privileges.


You can not run this command from a command window running with a reduced set of privileges. The database product installation provides you with the "Command Window - Administrator" shortcut that has the appropriate privileges to run this command.

User response

Launch the "Command Window - Administrator" shortcut and re-run the command.

DB21010I Help given for help-command-phrase.


This message only appears in the history file specified with the -l option.

User response

No action required.

DB21011I In a partitioned database server environment, only the table spaces on the current node are listed.


Only the table spaces on the current node are visible to the LIST TABLESPACES command.

User response

To list the table spaces on another node, you must issue the LIST TABLESPACES command on that node.

DB21015E The Command Line Processor backend process request queue or input queue was not created within the timeout period.


Either the values for the DB2BQTRY and DB2BQTIME environment variables need to be increased or the command line processor back-end program "db2bp" cannot be started. The "db2bp" program must reside in the correct database manager install path and users must have execute permission on the file.

On Linux and UNIX platforms, ensure that the file system has enough file blocks and inodes.

User response

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

DB21016E The Command Line Processor encountered a system error while sending the command to the backend process.


One of the following could have happened:
  • The backend process was abnormally terminated.
  • A system error occurred when reading from or writing to the back-end process queues.
  • A system error occurred when reading from the front-end process output queue.

User response

Resubmit the command. If the error occurs again, get help from your system administrator.

DB21017E The Command Line Processor encountered a system error with the front-end process output queue. Reason code = reason-code.


A system error occurred while creating or reading from the front-end process output queue.

If the reason code is -2499, the command line processor output queue conflicts with an existing queue.

User response

Resubmit the command. If the error occurs again, record the message number and reason code, and get help from your system administrator.

DB21018E A system error occurred. The command line processor could not continue processing.


One of the following caused the system error:
  • Too much data is being output to the screen. Pipe the output to a file that you can view once processing is complete.
  • Command line processor did not successfully install its interrupt signal handler.
  • Command line processor did not successfully open the back-end process queues.
  • Command line processor did not successfully start up the back-end process.
  • The back-end process was abnormally terminated.
  • The front-end process did not successfully allocate or free memory.
  • The front-end and/or back-end process did not successfully dynamically load a library.
  • Command line processor received one of the following program termination signals:
    • SIGILL
    • SIGEMT
    • SIGBUS
    • SIGSYS

User response

Retry the command. If the problem persists, record the DB2 message number. If the trace was active, save the trace information and contact your technical support with the following information:
  • Problem description
  • DB2 message number
  • SQLCA if possible
  • Trace file if possible

DB21019E An error occurred while accessing the directory directory.


The following could have caused the error:
  • directory permissions do not allow access
  • the directory does not exist

User response

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

DB21020E Unable to create the default message file file.


To properly process this command, CLP needs a file where the messages issued during processing are saved before they are displayed on the console. It attempted to create such a file in a directory normally used for that purpose (such as /tmp on UNIX platforms), but the attempt failed because the directory does not exist.

User response

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

DB21021E No Admin Server instance is defined. The command failed.


You issued a command that needs to use an Administration Server instance, but no such instance is defined.

User response

Define an Administration Server instance and resubmit the command.

DB21022E Unable to switch to Administration Server instance instance-name.


You issued a command that needs to use an Administration Server instance. Command line processor tried to switch to Administration Server instance instance-name but failed. The possible reasons may be:
  • The Administration Server instance is not set correctly.
  • Command line processor was already attached to a database manager instance.
  • Command line processor was connected to a database.

User response

Check that a valid Administration Server instance is set up before using this command. Also, you may need to issue the DETACH, or CONNECT RESET, or TERMINATE command before trying your request again.

DB21023E The command is not valid when executed from Administration Server.


You issued one of the following commands: GET DBM CONFIGURATION, RESET DBM CONFIGURATION, or UPDATE DBM CONFIGURATION, but these commands cannot be executed from Administration Server.

User response

Issue one of the following commands that are valid on Administration Server: GET ADMIN CONFIGURATION, RESET ADMIN CONFIGURATION, or UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION.

DB21024I This command is asynchronous and may not be effective immediately.


This message is displayed after executing either a FORCE command with the ASYNC clause or a REORG TABLE command with the INPLACE clause.

User response

No action required.

DB21025I One or more of the parameters submitted for immediate modification were not changed dynamically. Client changes will not be effective until the next time the application is started or the TERMINATE command has been issued. Server changes will not be effective until the next DB2START command.


Some changes to the database manager configuration could not be applied immediately. For these parameters, the changes become effective only after the database manager is started. This typically occurs after a DB2START on a server and after the application restarts on a client.

User response

To see which parameter changes took effect dynamically and which ones did not, retrieve the database manager configuration parameters and display details using the following command:

Changes to database manager configuration parameters can only take effect dynamically if you are attached to the instance. Not all configuration parameters support dynamic update. To see which parameters can be changed dynamically, refer to the Administration Guide.

If several parameters were submitted in a group, submit the parameters individually. In those cases where a configuration parameter could not change dynamically, do one or more of the following:
  • for user applications: stop and start the application
  • for CLP: TERMINATE and reconnect
  • for a server: issue DB2STOP and DB2START

DB21026I One or more of the parameters submitted for immediate modification were not changed dynamically. For these configuration parameters, all applications must disconnect from this database before the changes become effective.


The database configuration command has been successfully processed. However, not all changes were processed right away. After the applications disconnect from the database, the first connection to the database will cause the changes to become effective.

User response

To see which parameter changes took effect dynamically and which ones did not, retrieve the database configuration parameters and display the parameter details using the following command:
   <database-alias> SHOW DETAIL

Changes to database configuration parameters can only take effect dynamically if you are connected to the database. Not all configuration parameters support dynamic update. To see which parameters can be changed dynamically, refer to the Administration Guide.

If several parameters were submitted in a group, submit the parameters individually. In those cases where a configuration parameter could not change dynamically, do one or more of the following:
  • Ensure that all applications disconnect from the database and issue a db2 connect to command
  • Rebind your packages after the new configuration parameters take effect so that the new values will be used during the bind.
  • Use the FLUSH PACKAGE CACHE command to invalidate dynamic statements in the SQL cache.

DB21027E Isolation level may not be changed while connected to a database.


The user attempted to change the isolation level while connected to a database. The command is ignored.

User response

If a change in isolation level is necessary, disconnect from the current database, then set the isolation level and re-connect to the database.

DB21028E The cursor cursor-name has not been declared.


The specified cursor needs to be declared before issuing an OPEN, FETCH, or CLOSE SQL statement.

User response

Declare the cursor and resubmit the command.

DB21029E The cursor cursor-name has already been declared and opened.


The user attempted to declare a cursor that is open.

User response

Close the cursor and resubmit the open command.

DB21030E The cursor cursor-name has not been opened.


The specified cursor needs to be opened.

User response

Open the cursor and resubmit the command.

DB21031E The SQL statement using the cursor cursor-name (internal-cursor) returned:


This message shows the internal cursor name for the user defined cursor. Some SQL error messages may show the internal cursor name. This message is displayed before the SQL message.

User response

Correct the SQL error and resubmit the command.

DB21032E You have already declared the maximum number of cursors.


Command line processor supports 100 cursors declared with the WITH HOLD attribute and 100 cursors declared without the WITH HOLD attribute.

User response

Re-declare one of the existing cursors and resubmit the command.

DB21033E The command is not valid for this database server.


The following commands are supported only when accessing a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, or Windows database server:


User response

Do not issue the command for this database.

DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:


You can execute database utilities, SQL statements, and online help using the DB2 command line processor (CLP). You can use the CLP in interactive mode, in command mode (where each command must be prefixed by "db2"), or in batch mode.

This message is displayed in the following scenarios:

  1. Text is passed to the CLP and it is not a valid CLP command.
  2. An error occurs when the CLP passes the text to the database manager to process as an SQL statement. When this scenario happens, this message is returned, followed by the error message that was returned by the database manager.

This error can be caused by the following kinds of problems with the specified command or SQL statement:

  • Text is passed to the CLP in command mode or in batch mode and there are special characters, such as quotes, in the text that are not identified with an escape character.
  • There is a syntax error.

User response

Respond to this error in one of the following ways:

  • If there are special characters, such as quotes, in the command, use an escape character, such as the backslash character, to cause the operating system shell to ignore those special characters.
  • Correct the syntax error by performing the following steps:
    1. Review the full text of the error returned by the database manager to determine the cause of that error.
    2. Modify the command to correct the cause of the problem.
    3. Resubmit the command.

DB21035E The maximum number of items in the list-name list has been exceeded. The maximum number is number.


The number of items in the list cannot exceed the maximum specified. This error may be caused by an invalid range specification.

User response

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

DB21036E The command command failed.

User response

Retry the command with the trace active. If the problem persists, save the trace information and contact your technical support with the following information:
  • Problem description
  • DB2 message number
  • Trace file

DB21037W No data sources found.

User response

There were no ODBC data sources found of the type (USER or SYSTEM) that you specified. Retry the command by specifying the other type (SYSTEM or USER).

DB21040E Transaction number number is not a valid indoubt transaction number.


Transaction number number is not one of the listed indoubt transaction numbers.

User response

Select one of the listed transaction numbers and resubmit the command.

DB21041W The following amount of indoubt transactions was not displayed: number number


The command line processor could not display all the indoubt transactions. The number of transactions that were not displayed is indicated.

User response

  1. Finish processing the current list of indoubt transactions in order to reduce the total number of indoubt transactions in the system.
  2. Reissue the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command.

DB21042E Subcommand failed because it did not specify a transaction number.


The following subcommnds for the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS interactive session must specify a transaction number: commit (c), rollback (r),and forget (f).

User response

Reissue the subcommand with the appropriate transaction number.

DB21043E subcommand is not a valid request.


The in-doubt transaction subcommand specified is not valid. Valid subcommands are:
Subcommand Description
---------- ---------------------------
c <number> Heuristically commit
           the in-doubt transaction
r <number> Heuristically roll-
           back the in-doubt
           transaction <number>.
f <number>  Heuristically forget
           the in-doubt transaction
l <number>  List all in-doubt
           transactions or the in-
           doubt transaction
q          Exit LIST INDOUBT
           TRANSACTION prompting.

NOTE: The number command is not available in DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition.

User response

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

DB21044E Cannot COMMIT transaction number number.


The transaction must be in a prepared state (i) when you issue the commit (c) subcommand.

User response

Issue another command.

DB21045E Cannot ROLLBACK transaction number number.


The transaction must be in a prepared (i) or idle (e) state. when you issue the rollback (r) subcommand.

User response

Issue another command.

DB21046E Cannot FORGET transaction number number.


The transaction must be in a heuristically committed (c) or heuristically rolled-back (r) state when you issue the forget (f) command.

User response

Issue another command.

DB21050E state is not a valid SQLSTATE.


The sqlstate specified is not valid or could not be found. Valid states are numerical and two or five digits in length.

User response

Resubmit the command using a different state.

DB21051E The command is not supported for this environment.


The command requested is currently not supported by the command line processor in the environment being used.

User response

Resubmit the command on a different platform or within a different environment.

DB21052I command has been submitted for execution.


The command line processor is attempting to execute the indicated command. It will be unable to determine whether the command has completed successfully.

User response

If the command appears unsuccessful, submit it from outside the command line processor.

DB21053W Automatic escalation will occur when you connect to a database that does not support isolation-level.


Isolation levels are database dependent. Some, like NC, are only supported by specific databases. If you select an isolation level that is not supported by the database you are connecting to, it will automatically escalate to a supported level.

User response

Connect to a database that supports the isolation level you have selected, or select a different isolation level.

DB21054E The command line processor encountered a system error with the command command. Reason code = reason-code.


While processing the portion of the command indicated by the reason code, the command line processor was unable to get enough memory.

code Description    Syntax
---- -------------- ------------------
1   Data file      LOAD FROM
2   Lob data       LOBS FROM
3   Directory      USING directory...
4   Source         FROM dir/dev...
5   Target         TO dir/dev...
6   Tablespace     TABLESPACE
7   Tblspace-def   MANAGED BY...
8   Container data USING (PATH...,
                   USING (
9   Log path       log-directory ...,
                   log-directory ...
10  Node list      node-number ...,
                   node-number ...
11  Partitioned    [PARTITIONED DB CONFIG]
    load option    partitioned-db-option
12  Storage path   ON drive/path,
17  Ingest field  ($field-name field-type, ...)
18  SQL statement  INSERT ..., UPDATE ...,
    on the INGEST  MERGE..., or DELETE ... 
19  Column name   any column name in the statement
    in the SQL 
    statement on the 
    INGEST command
20  Field name    any field name in the statement
    in the SQL 
    statement on 
    the INGEST command

User response

You might be able to avoid the error by one of the following:

  • Specify a larger value for one of the database manager configuration parameters that control heap or memory size.
  • Modify the portion of the command indicated by the reason code to contain fewer elements. For example, if the reason code is 17, remove some field definitions from the INGEST command.

DB21055W Command not valid for type 2 connections.


The information returned by the GET CONNECTION STATE command does not apply to type 2 connections.

User response

Issue QUERY CLIENT to verify CONNECT = 1.

DB21056W Directory changes may not be effective until the directory cache is refreshed.


If directory caching (DBM CFG dir_cache) is enabled, database, node, and DCS directory files are cached in memory. Directory changes may not become effective until the directory cache is refreshed. Refer to the dir_cache configuration parameter in the ADMIN guide for a description on directory caching.

User response

To refresh CLP's directory cache, issue a db2 TERMINATE. To refresh the directory information for another application, stop and restart that application. To refresh the directory information for the database, stop (db2stop) and restart (db2start) the database.

DB21057E Invalid tape device specified.


The tape device passed to the operating system was not accepted. On Windows NT it must be of the form "\\.\TAPEx" where x represents the drive number (0 is the first).

User response

Reissue the command specifying a valid tape device.

DB21058E Invalid tape position specified.


The tape mark position specified is not valid. On Windows NT the first tape position to which a backup is record is 1. Subsequent backup images begin at tape mark 2 and so on.

User response

Reissue the command specifying a valid tape position.

DB21059E Invalid tape blocksize specified.


The tape mark blocksize specified is not in the range supported by the tape device. In addition, for backup/restore to work it must also be a factor of or multiple of 4096.

User response

Reissue the command specifying a valid tape size.

DB21060E General tape failure.


An unexpected return code was returned from the tape operation.

User response

Resubmit the command. If the error occurs again, get help from your system administrator.

DB21061E Command line environment not initialized.


You have tried to invoke the command line processor from a command window that was not started by db2cmd.exe.

User response

Issue DB2CMD to start a command window that has the command line processor environment initialized.

DB21070W One or more of the configuration parameters were set to AUTOMATIC in a case where the parameter does not support AUTOMATIC.

User response

If the parameter changes were submitted as a group, resubmit the changes individually to see which parameter changes were successful.

If only one parameter was submitted then this message indicates that the value AUTOMATIC is not supported for this parameter.

To find out which configuration parameters support the AUTOMATIC value, refer to the Administration Guide.

DB21071W Configuration parameter values were changed on all nodes, however not all nodes were able to change the values dynamically.

User response

If parameter changes were submitted in a group, issue the update command individually for more detailed information.

At the next restart of the unsuccessful nodes, the new values will take effect.

Changes to database manager configuration parameters can only take effect dynamically if you are attached to the instance. Not all configuration parameters support dynamic update. To see which parameters can be changed dynamically, refer to the Administration Guide.

To identify the nodes that failed in their dynamic application, attach to the instance on each node and issue the following command:

DB21080E No previous RESTORE DATABASE command with REDIRECT option was issued for this database alias, or the information about that command is lost.


You have tried to run the RESTORE DATABASE command with the CONTINUE or ABORT option. However, either you didn't previously issue a RESTORE DATABASE command with the REDIRECT option, or you did issue such a command but for a different database alias than the one specified on the failing command. Another possible cause for this message could be that the information about a correctly issued previous RESTORE DATABASE ... REDIRECT command was lost. This can happen if the CLP back-end process terminates abnormally, or if you issue the TERMINATE command.

User response

Restart the whole redirected restore process by issuing the RESTORE DATABASE ... REDIRECT command and SET TABLESPACE CONTAINERS commands again. Then issue the RESTORE DATABASE ... CONTINUE command.

DB21081E No sections were found in the db2cli.ini file.


You have tried to list CLI parameters in the db2cli.ini file by using the GET CLI CONFIGURATION command, but the file is empty. There are no sections in that file.

User response

To update the db2cli.ini file, use the UPDATE CLI CONFIGURATION command.

DB21082E You don't have enough authority to run the UPDATE CLI CONFIGURATION command.


You need to have SYSADM authority to run this command.

User response

Obtain the necessary authority from your database administrator, then issue the command again.

DB21083E Section section not found.


Section <section> was not found in the db2cli.ini file.

User response

Specify an existing section and issue the command again.

DB21084E NEW and CONFIRM passwords not the same.


You were using the ATTACH or CONNECT command and specified that you wanted to change your password. The new password needs to be specified twice, by using the NEW and CONFIRM clauses, or by responding to the prompts. The two passwords you specified as your new password were different.

User response

Specify the same password twice.

DB21085I This instance or install (instance name, where applicable: instance-name) uses 32-or-64 bits and DB2 code release release with level identifier level.


This message is the output of the db2level command and provides detailed information about the code level of a given database product. The information might be requested by IBM software support to aid in resolving problems.

When the db2level command is run with a database product that does not have a database manager instance, such as the IBM Data Server Driver Package or the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI, the value of the first run-time token, instance-name, will be "*".

User response

Record all displayed information to provide to IBM software support.

The db2level executable should not be copied from one machine to another.

The db2level executable may not display all information about private test fixes that have been provided by DB2 software support and installed on top of an officially supported service level.

DB21086I The incremental RESTORE operation of this backup image completed successfully, but there are additional backup images that must be restored to complete the entire incremental RESTORE operation.


To complete an incremental RESTORE operation, every incremental backup image in its restore chain must be restored. The current operation succeeded, but there are additional backup images that must be restored before the overall RESTORE operation is complete.

User response

Restore the next backup image.


DB2 Administration Server server-name uses DB2 code release
with level identifier level-id.
Informational tokens are build-id1build-id2, and Fix Pack FixPak-number.
Product is installed at install-path.


This message is the output of the db2daslevel command and provides detailed information about the code level of a given DB2 Administration Server. The information may be requested by DB2 service personnel to aid in resolving problems.

User response

Record all displayed information to provide to DB2 service personnel.

The db2daslevel executable should not be copied from one machine to another. Only database product installation and service maintenance programs should manipulate this file.

The db2daslevel executable may not display all information about private test fixes that the customer has received from DB2 service personnel and installed on top of an officially supported service level.

DB21100E Stored procedure procedure-name exists in multiple schemas.


The specified procedure name was found in more than one schema.

User response

Re-issue the CALL command with a fully qualified procedure name (schema.procedure-name).

DB21101E Too few parameters were specified for stored procedure "procedure-name" (expected quantity).


The definition of this stored procedure contains more parameters than those specified in the CALL command.

User response

Verify the number of parameters in the stored procedure and re-issue the command.

DB21102E Too many parameters were specified for stored procedure "procedure-name" (expected quantity).


The definition of this stored procedure contains fewer parameters than those specified in the CALL command.

User response

Verify the number of parameters in the stored procedure.

DB21103E The data type of parameter parameter-number is not supported by the CALL command in CLP.


Currently in CLP, one cannot call stored procedures with a parameter whose data type is that of parameter parameter-number.

User response

Do not call this stored procedure from CLP.

DB21104E Parameter parameter-number for stored procedure "procedure-name" should be an INPUT parameter.


The parameter parameter-number is defined as an INPUT or INPUT/OUTPUT parameter. However a "?" was specified for this parameter.

User response

Replace the "?" in parameter parameter-number by the input value of this parameter and re-issue the CALL command.

DB21105E Parameter parameter-number for stored procedure "procedure-name" should be an OUTPUT parameter.


The parameter parameter-number is defined as an OUTPUT parameter. However a input value was specified for this parameter.

User response

Replace the input value in parameter parameter-number by a "?" and re-issue the CALL command.

DB21106E Stored procedure "procedure-name" is undefined.


The stored procedure has not been defined or it has not been cataloged in the system catalogs.

User response

Verify that the stored procedure exists in the system catalogs. Try dropping and re-creating the stored procedure. Then re-issue the CALL command.

DB21107E An error has occurred when accessing the file file-name. Reason code: reason-code.




The file size is zero.


The file cannot be found.


Access to the file was denied. The user does not have permission to open the file.


Unexpected end of file encountered while reading from the file.


Access to the file was denied. The file is in use.


A media error was encountered while accessing the file.


The size of the document exceeds the maximum size supported by the command.

User response

Fix any errors and rerun the application.

DB21108E The request cannot be executed because the database server version does not support this functionality.


Some new functionality is not supported against older database server versions.

User response

Execute the request against a database server where the latest database server version has been installed, or upgrade the server to the latest database server version.

DB21109E The syntax is incorrect for the directive directive. Reason Code: reason-code.


The new terminator cannot be set, because of a problem with the --#SET TERMINATOR syntax fragment in the directive. The terminator has not been changed. One of the following reason codes may apply:

Reason codes:
An invalid terminator was specified. A valid terminator contains one or two characters, but cannot contain a space or a tab.
The directive does not include a new terminator.
There must be a space after the words --#SET TERMINATOR.

User response

Revise the syntax of your directive, and then reissue the directive.

DB21500I The DB2MSCS command completed successfully.


The user request was successfully processed.

User response

No action required.

DB21501E The db2mscs command failed because the following invalid option was specified: option-name


You can create the infrastructure for DB2 failover support with Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) using the db2mscs utility.

Valid arguments for the db2mscs command are:

  • -f InputFileName Specifies the DB2MSCS.CFG input file to be used by the MSCS utility. If this parameter is not specified, the DB2MSCS utility reads the DB2MSCS.CFG file that is in the current directory.
  • -d TraceFileName Turns on debug tracing and specifies the name of the trace output file.
  • -u InstanceName Undo the DB2MSCS operation for the instance.
  • -l Username Specifies the user name of the domain account for the DB2 service (specified as domain\user).
  • -p Password Specifies the password of the domain account for the DB2 service.

User response

Enter the command again with valid parameters.

DB21502E Cannot open the configuration file file-name.


A configuration file could not be opened. Depending on the filename in the message text, this error can be explained as follow:
  • If the filename in the message text was the name of the input file specified for the DB2MSCS command, then input file can not be found.
  • If the filename was "db2systm", then the database manager configuration file for target instance is missing.
  • If the filename was "db2mscs.bak", then the backup configuration file could not be created in the instance directory.
  • If the filename was "db2mscs.bak" and an undo operation was performed, then the backup configuration file from the instance directory could not be opened when performing the undo operation.

User response

Depending on the file that was in error, the problem may be corrected as follow:
  • If the filename in the message text was the name of the input file specified for the DB2MSCS command, then ensure that the file exists in the current directory, or that a fully qualified filename is specified for the command.
  • If the database manager configuration file for target instance is missing, then drop and recreate the instance.
  • If the backup configuration file could not be created in the instance directory, then ensure that the instance profile directory exists and that the current logon account has write access to the directory.
  • If the backup configuration file from the instance directory could not be opened when performing the undo operation, then ensure that the MSCS disk that contains the instance profile directory is online on the current machine and retry the operation.

DB21503E Not enough memory is available to process this command.


There was not enough memory to continue processing the command.

User response

Ensure that the system has sufficient real and virtual memory. Close all applications that are not in use to free up additional memory for the system.

DB21504E The value parameter-value specified for parameter parameter-name exceeded the maximum length for that parameter. The maximum length of the parameter is length bytes.


The value parameter-value specified for the keyword parameter-name exceeded the maximum allowable limit for that parameter.

User response

Specify a value that satisfies length restrictions.

DB21505E Parameter parameter-name1 must be specified before parameter parameter-name2 in the DB2MSCS configuration file file-name.


The sequence of parameters specified in the DB2MSCS configuration file is not valid. The group name must be specified before any other resource parameter can be specified. For each resource, the resource name parameter must be specified before any resource parameter can be specified.

User response

Modify the DB2MSCS configuration file so that the sequence of parameters is correct.

DB21506E The cluster cluster-name cannot be accessed. Ensure that the cluster name is correct and the cluster service on the current current machine has been started.


The DB2MSCS utility could not open the cluster because either the cluster name was incorrect or the cluster service on the current machine has not been started.

User response

If the cluster service has not been started on the current machine, then start the cluster service by running the command "net start clussvc" or by starting the "Cluster" service from the Services dialog. If the cluster name was specified incorrectly in the DB2MSCS configuration file, then modify the cluster name and resubmit the command.

DB21507E The instance name instance-name is not valid.


The instance name specified in the DB2MSCS configuration file is not valid, or the DB2INSTANCE environment variable was not set to a valid instance name.

User response

If the instance name was specified in the DB2MSCS configuration file, then verify that the instance name is valid and resubmit the command. If the instance name was not specified in the configuration file, then ensure the DB2INSTANCE environment variable is set to the name of a valid database manager instance.

DB21509E The keyword keyword specified in configuration file file-name is only valid for the partitioned database instance.


The keyword specified is only valid if the target instance is a partitioned database instance. For example, the DB2_NODE keyword should only be specified for the partitioned database instance.

User response

Comment out the invalid keyword in the configuration file and resubmit the command.

DB21510E Internet address internet-address specified in configuration file file-name is not valid.


The value specified for either the IP address or the subnet mask does not conform with the internet address format. A valid internet address format has the form: “nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn”, where nnn is a number from 0 to 255.

User response

Correct the invalid address in the configuration file and resubmit the command.

DB21511E Node node-number does not exist.


The node number specified in the DB2_NODE keyword does not correspond to a valid database partition number.

User response

Correct the DB2_NODE parameter to specify an existing node number.

DB21512E The keyword keyword is not a valid DB2MSCS keyword.


The keyword specified was not a valid DB2MSCS keyword.

User response

Use a valid DB2MSCS keyword. For more information about the keywords, please refer to the "Administration Guide".

DB21513E The DB2MSCS utility failed to create MSCS group group-name because of system error: error-msg

User response

Please refer to the Windows system error message for further information.

DB21514E The DB2MSCS utility failed to complete because of system error: error-msg


The DB2MSCS utility failed to complete because of a Windows system error.

User response

Please refer to the Windows system error message for further information.

DB21515E The required resource property specified by keyword keyword-name is missing for the resource resource-name.


A resource could not be created because one of its required parameters was not specified. For example, for IP Address resource, the IP Address and the subnet mask must be specified. For the Network Name resource, the network name must be specified.

User response

Ensure that the required parameter is specified and resubmit the command.

DB21516E DB2MSCS cannot bring resource resource-name online. Ensure that the properties of the resource are set correctly.


After a resource is created, the DB2MSCS utility validates the resource by attempting to bring the resource online. Failing to bring a resource online indicates that either the resource property was not specified correctly or that the cluster network was not functioning properly.

User response

  • If a disk resource was in error, then ensure that the disk subsystem and the disk device driver is functioning properly. The Event Viewer should be used to examine if any disk device driver problem was recorded in the Event logs.
  • If an IP Address resource was in error, then ensure that the IP parameters are correct and that the network(s) where the IP address resides on is functioning properly. Also, the IP address that is specified for DB2 must NOT be used by any other machine in the network. If you are not sure what parameters to use for the IP address, consult with your network administrator.
  • If a Network Name resource was in error, then ensure that the network is functioning properly, and that the value specified for the Netname parameter has not been used by any machine in the network. Note that the Network Name parameter is not required. As a work around, you may want to comment out the Network Name parameter and proceed.
  • If a DB2 resource was in error, then the db2diag.log should be examined for any DB2 errors.

DB21517E MSCS Network network-name is not active.


The network parameter specified for the IP address is not active.

User response

From the Cluster Administration view, activate or enable the target network and resubmit the command.

DB21518E There is no active MSCS network.


The network parameter was not specified for the IP address and there was no network available to be used.

User response

A valid MSCS network must be configured. Please refer to your cluster documentation for how to add and configure an MSCS network.

DB21519E DB2MSCS cannot bring the resource resource-name offline. Ensure that the properties of the resource are set correctly.


The DB2MSCS could not bring a resource offline. The resource may be in use by the cluster software.

User response

Retry the operation. If the problem persists, run with the trace option and contact your IBM Service Representative for further assistance.

DB21520E The DB2PATH profile variable is not defined.


The DB2PATH registry profile variable is not defined for the current machine. The DB2PATH must be set to the path where the database product is installed.

User response

Set the DB2PATH to the directory where the database product is installed using the db2set command. For example, db2set -g DB2PATH=D:\SQLLIB.

DB21521E DB2MSCS cannot read from file file-name.


The DB2MSCS utility can not read data from the indicated file.

User response

Ensure that the file is not locked and that the current logon user have sufficient authority to read the file.

DB21522E Cannot open machine registry for machine machine-name. Ensure that the machine is active and that the current logon account has Local Administrator authority.


The DB2MSCS could not open the registry for the remote machine for read and write access. By default, only users that belong to the Local Administrator groups on that machine have read and write access to the machine registry. This error is also returned if the remote machine is not active.

User response

Ensure that the target machine is active, then logon to a domain account that belongs to the Local Administrator group on the target machine and resubmit the command.

DB21523E Cannot close machine registry for machine machine-name. Ensure that the machine is active and that the current logon account has Local Administrator authority.


After opening the remote registry, the DB2MSCS utility failed to close the handle to the remote registry because of an internal error.

User response

Run with the trace option and contact your IBM Service Representative for further assistance.

DB21524E Failed to create the resource resource-name. System error: error-msg


The command failed to create the target resource because of a Windows system error.

User response

Refer to the Windows system error message for additional information.

DB21525E Failed to add dependency to the resource resource-name. System error: error-msg


The command failed to add dependency for the target resource because of a Windows system error.

User response

Refer to the Windows system error message for additional information.

DB21526E Failed to move resource resource-name. System error: error-msg


The command failed to add move resource because of a Windows system error.

User response

Refer to the Windows system error message for additional information.

DB21527E No disk resource is specified for the group group-name.


At least one disk resource must be specified for each group.

User response

Assign one or more disk resource to the group indicated in the error message.

DB21528E The value keyword-value specified for the INSTPROF_DISK keyword does not match any disk in the same group.


The INSTPROF_DISK keyword was used to specify the location where the content of instance profile directory will be copied to. The value for the INSTPROF_DISK keyword did not match one the name of a disk resource in the same group.

User response

Set the INSTPROF_DISK to the name of one of the disk resources in the same group.

DB21529E The DB2MSCS utility cannot access the registry of machine machine-name. Ensure that the machine is active and that the current logon account has Local Administrator authority.


The DB2MSCS utility cannot access the registry of the target machine.

User response

Logon to a domain account that belongs to the Local Administrator group on the target machine and resubmit the command.

DB21530E The DB2MSCS utility cannot access the cluster registry for the cluster cluster-name. Ensure that the cluster is active and the current logon account has Local Administrator authority.


To administer a cluster, users must have either administrative permissions on both nodes or specific permissions to administer the cluster. By default, the local Administrators group on both nodes has permissions to administer the cluster.

User response

Logon to an account that has sufficient access to the Cluster. To give a user permissions to administer a cluster without giving the user Administrative permissions on both nodes: Run the Cluster Administration GUI Right-click the cluster name, and then click Properties Click Security (or Permissions) Specify which users and groups that may administer the cluster.

DB21531E Cannot obtain property for MSCS disk. System error: error-msg


The DB2MSCS utility can not obtain the drive letter from the MSCS disk resource. This problem usually occurs when the disk resource specified by the INSTPROF_DISK keyword is an IBM Netfinity disk resource, "IPSHA Disk".

User response

Do not use the INSTPROF_DISK keywork. Instead, use the INSTPROF_PATH keyword to explicitly specify the target location where the instance profile directory will be copied to.

DB21532E A internal error occurred. File: file-name, Line line-number. Please contact your IBM Service Representative.


The DB2MSCS failed because of an internal error.

User response

Run with the trace option and contact your IBM Service Representative for further assistance.

DB21533E An error occurred during the migration of the database manager instance, rc = error-code.


After all the required MSCS resources had been created, the DB2MSCS utility failed to migrate the database manager instance to run in a clustered environment because of an internal error. During an instance migration, the utility performs the following steps:
  • Copy the instance directory to the location specified by the INSTPROF_DISK or INSTPROF_PATH keyword.
  • Move the DB2 registry profile variables from the machine registry to the cluster registry.
  • Set the DB2INSTPROF registry variable to point to the new instance profile location.
  • Set the DB2CLUSTERLIST to the name of the current machine.

User response

Before running the DB2MSCS utility, ensure that:
  • On the current machine, the instance can be started and stopped successfully from the command line.
  • On other cluster node(s), the same instance must be stopped and optionally dropped.
  • All the disk resources are active on the current machine and can be moved back and forth successfully between the cluster nodes.
  • The current logon user has sufficient access to the local machine registry and the cluster registry.
  • If the problem persists, contact your IBM Service Representative and provide both the DB2MSCS traces and DB2 traces.

DB21534E An error occurred during addition of MSCS node to the database manager instance, rc = error-code.


The utility failed to add the other MSCS node to the database manager instance. During this operation, the utility will do the followings:
  • Update the DB2 cluster machine list by adding the name of the target machine to the DB2CLUSTERLIST registry variable.
  • Create the DB2 service and the registry instance profile for the current database manager instance on the target node.

User response

Before running the DB2MSCS utility, ensure that:
  • On the current machine, the instance can be started and stopped successfully from the command line.
  • On other cluster node(s), the same instance must be stopped and optionally dropped.
  • All the disk resources are active on the current machine and can be moved back and forth successfully between the cluster nodes.
  • The current logon user has sufficient access to the target machine registry and the cluster registry.
  • If the problem persists, contact your IBM Service Representative and provide both the DB2MSCS traces and DB2 traces.

DB21535E The instance-owning database partition server is not on the current machine.


When migrating a partitioned database instance, the DB2MSCS utility must be run on the instance owning machine.

User response

Run the DB2MSCS utility from the instance owning machine.

DB21536E The username userid is not valid.


The username specified is not valid.

User response

Specify a valid username.

DB21537E The password password is not valid.


The password specified is not valid.

User response

Specify the correct password.

DB21538E The password for the account account-name has expired.


The password for the target account has expired.

User response

Reset the password and resubmit the command.

DB21540E Group group-name requires at least one network name resource.


When migrating a partitioned database instance, a network name resource must be created for the group that contains the instance owning node.

User response

Specify to create a network name resource in the group indicated.

DB21541E An error occurred when removing the MSCS node from the database manager instance, rc = error-code.


During an "undo" operation, the utility failed to remove an MSCS node from the database manager instance because of an internal error.

User response

Manual clean up is required. To manually clean up the instance do the following:
  • Stop and drop the database manager instance.
  • Remove all DB2 resources and their dependent resources from the Cluster Administrator window.

DB21542E An error occurred while attempting to remove failover support for the instance. Failover support is still active for this instance, rc = error-code.


During an "undo" operation, the utility failed to uncluster the database manager instance because of an internal error.

User response

Manual clean up is required. To manually clean up the instance do the followings: Stop and drop the instance. Remove all DB2 resources and their dependent resources from the Cluster Administrator window.

DB21543E The resource name resource-name does not match any IP resource in the same group.


A network name resource must be configured to depend on an IP Address resource in the same resource group.

User response

Specify the name of an IP Address resource that resides in the same group as a dependency for the Network Name resource.

DB21544E The MSCS resource resource-name already exists.


The resource name specified already exists in the cluster.

User response

Specify a different resource name.

DB21545E The module file-name was loaded, but the function function-name is not found. Ensure that you are running on the version of the database product that supports MSCS.


The utility failed to obtain the address of a required function because the version of the database product is not compatible with the version of the DB2MSCS utility.

User response

Use the version of the DB2MSCS utility that is shipped with the database product.

DB21546E The module file-name could not be loaded.


The utility failed to load the required DLL.

User response

Reinstall the database product.

DB21547E Error occurred while moving group group-name to node node-number. System error: error-msg


The utility failed to move the group to the target node because one or more resources can not be moved.

User response

Ensure that all cluster nodes are active and that all disk resources can be moved back and forth between cluster nodes. If the problem persists, contact your IBM Service Representative.

DB21548E A logon account for the DB2 service must be specified for a partitioned database system. Specify a valid logon account using the DB2_LOGON_USERNAME and DB2_LOGON_PASSWORD keywords.


The DB2 service for a partitioned database system must be configured to be run under a valid domain account.

User response

Specify a valid domain account using the DB2_LOGON_USERNAME and DB2_LOGON_PASSWORD keywords.

DB21549N Network name network-name specified for node node-number is not valid.


The network name value specified could not be resolved.

User response

Ensure that the network name is registered in the DNS server or in a local etc/hosts file.

DB21600N The command command did not complete successfully.


Errors were encountered during the execution of this command.

User response

Contact your technical service representative. Information in the db2diag.log file will enable your service representative to determine the cause of the failure.

DB22000E Error: The syntax of the DB2LSWTCH command is incorrect.


The local switcher promotes or demotes the DB2 copy it is installed under:
  • db2lswtch.exe -db2 -promote
  • db2lswtch.exe -client -promote
  • db2lswtch.exe -all -promote
  • db2lswtch.exe -db2 -demote
  • db2lswtch.exe -client -demote
  • db2lswtch.exe -all -demote
The command options are:
  • -db2 -promote to promote the current copy to the default DB2 copy.
  • -client -promote to promote the current copy to the default IBM database client interface copy.
  • -all -promote to promote the current copy to the default DB2 copy and IBM database client interface copy.
  • -db2 -demote to demote the current default DB2 copy.
  • -client -demote to demote the current default IBM database client interface copy.
  • -all -demote to demote the current default DB2 copy and IBM database client interface copy.

User response

Enter the command again using valid parameters.

DB22001E An error occurred during the initialization of the local switcher environment. No change was done to any copy on the system.


An error occurred when the local switcher tried to look up information in the Windows system registry.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22002E An error occurred during the promotion of the copy name. The promotion will continue and this copy will be assigned as the default on the system.


An error occurred during one of the tasks that the local switcher performs to promote the copy it is installed under to be the default one on the system. The local switcher will attempt to complete the promotion and will continue with the remaining tasks. The copy will still be assigned as the default on the system.

User response

Manual intervention is needed to complete the task or tasks that failed during the promotion of the copy.

DB22003E An error occurred during the demotion of the DB2 copy name. The demotion will be aborted and this copy will remain as the default on the system.


An error occurred during one of the tasks that the local switcher performs to demote the copy it is installed under to no longer be the default on the system. The demotion will be aborted and the local switcher will be called to promote the same copy so that any tasks that have been completed are rolled back.

User response

Try to manually correct the problem that resulted in this error and attempt to run the same operation again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

DB22004I The copy name has been successfully demoted and is no longer the default DB2 copy on the system.


No errors were encountered during the execution of this operation.

User response

No action required.

DB22005I The copy name has been successfully promoted to be the default DB2 copy on the system.


No errors were encountered during the execution of this operation.

User response

No action required.

DB22006E An error occurred during the process of updating the global system environment variables to include the environment variables for the copy name.


During promotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher modifies the global system environment variables such as PATH, INCLUDE, LIB and CLASSPATH to add values pointing to the path of its copy to them. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Inspect the global system environment and ensure that any environment variables that need to be modified correctly include values pointing to the path of the copy that has been promoted.

DB22007E An error occurred during the process of updating the global system environment variables to remove the environment variables for the copy name.


During demotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher removes values pointing to the path of the copy from global system environment variables such as PATH, INCLUDE, LIB and CLASSPATH. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Inspect the global system environment and ensure that any environment variables that need to be modified no longer include values pointing to the path of the copy that has been demoted.

DB22008E An error occurred when registering the IBM ODBC driver for the copy name as the default driver on the system.


During promotion of its copy, the local switcher registers the default IBM DB2 ODBC driver and ensures that this driver points to the path of the default IBM database client interface copy. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22009E An error occurred when unregistering the IBM ODBC driver for the copy name as the default driver on the system.


During demotion of the copy it is installed under, the local switcher unregisters the default IBM DB2 ODBC driver and ensures that this driver no longer points to the path of the demoted copy. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22010E An error occurred when registering the IBM .NET data provider for the copy name in the global assembly cache.


During the promotion of the copy it is installed under, the local switcher copies the IBM .NET provider for this copy to the Global Assembly Cache of the Windows operating system. This is done using special Windows APIs. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22011E An error occurred when unregistering the IBM .NET data provider for the copy name in the global assembly cache.


During the demotion of the copy it is installed under, the local switcher removes the IBM .NET provider of this copy from the Global Assembly Cache of the Windows operating system. This is done using special Windows APIs.

This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22012E An error occurred when registering the IBM OLEDB provider for the copy name as the default provider on the system.


During the promotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher registers the default IBM OLEDB provider and ensures that the default IBM OLEDB provider points to the provider of this copy. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22013E An error occurred when unregistering the IBM OLEDB provider of the copy name as the default provider on the system.


During the demotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher unregisters the default IBM OLEDB provider and ensures that the default IBM OLEDB provider no longer points to the provider of this copy. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22014E An error occurred during the update of the ODBC system DSN name.


During the demotion of the copy it is installed under, the local switcher modifies any system Data Source Names to ensure they still function. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22015E An error occurred during the operating system call func_name. The operating system message is msg and the return code is return_code.


A call to an operating system function has failed. The operating system error message and return code contain further information on the reason for the failure.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22018E An error occurred while trying to start the DB2 Management Service of the copy name.


During the promotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher starts the DB2 Management Service belonging to this copy. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22019E An error occurred while trying to stop the DB2 Management Service of the copy name.


During the demotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher stops the DB2 Management Service belonging to this copy. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22020E The copy name is not the default DB2 copy and therefore cannot be demoted.


The local switcher has been run with a -db2 -demote switch from an alternate copy. The local switcher can only demote the default DB2 copy on the system.

User response

If you need to demote the default DB2 copy, run the local switcher from the installation path of the default DB2 copy.

DB22021E Another copy name is defined as the default DB2 copy on the system. Promotion of another copy cannot proceed unless the current default copy is demoted.


The local switcher has been called to promote an alternate copy of DB2 while another copy is already assigned as the default DB2 copy on the system.

User response

Demote the current default DB2 copy before promoting an alternate copy.

DB22022E An error occurred while setting the "default" value under the HKLM\Sofware\IBM\InstalledCopied registry key to the name of the copy name.


The "default" value under the HKLM\Sofware\IBM\InstalledCopied key contains the name of the current default copy. The local switcher has encountered a problem setting this value to the name of the copy that has been promoted.

User response

Attempt the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

DB22023E An error occurred while updating the "default" value under the HKLM\Sofware\IBM\InstalledCopied registry key to remove the name of the copy name.


The "default" value under the HKLM\Sofware\IBM\InstalledCopied key contains the name of the current default copy. The local switcher has encountered a problem removing the name of the copy that has been demoted.

User response

Attempt the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

DB22024E An error occurred while registering the COM server name.


During the promotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher registers the COM servers that are part of this copy with the operating system. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22025E An error occurred while unregistering the COM server name.


During the demotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher unregisters the COM servers that are part of this copy with the operating system. This operation has encountered a problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22026E Error: The syntax of the db2swtch command is incorrect.


The db2swtch utility can display the DB2 copies or IBM data server driver copies installed on the system, and set the default DB2 copy or default IBM database client interface copy. This utility can also be used to redirect the references in machine.config between common IDS .NET data provider and SQLI IDS .NET data provider:

db2swtch [-db2|-client]
         [-d {name of DB2 copy or IBM data
              server driver copy}]
         [-IDS common|SQLI]
The command options are:
(no arguments)
launches the utility in graphical mode
-d {name of DB2 copy}
sets the default DB2 copy and default IBM database client interface copy to the name specified
-db2 -d {name of DB2 copy}
sets the default DB2 copy to the name specified
-client -d {name of DB2 copy or IBM data server driver copy}
sets the default database client interface copy to the name specified
displays the list of DB2 copies and IBM data server driver copies on the system
-IDS common
redirects the IDS .NET data provider reference in machine.config to common IDS .NET data provider
redirects the IDS .NET data provider reference in machine.config to SQLI IDS .NET data provider
displays help

User response

Enter the command again using valid parameters.

DB22027E An error occurred when registering the performance counters for the copy name.


During the promotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher registers the DB2 performance counters for this copy. This operation has encountered a problem. This is not usually a severe problem unless you intend to use the DB2 performance counters.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22028E An error occurred when unregistering the performance counters for the copy name.


During the demotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher unregisters the DB2 performance counters for this copy. This operation has encountered a problem. This is not usually a severe problem unless you intend to use the DB2 performance counters.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22029E An error occurred when registering the DB2 system tray for the default instance of the copy name.


During the promotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher registers the DB2 system tray for the default instance of this copy. This operation has encountered a problem. This is not usually a severe problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22030E An error occurred when unregistering the DB2 system tray for the copy name.


During the demotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher unregisters the DB2 system tray for this copy. This operation has encountered a problem. This is not usually a severe problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22031E An error occurred when modifying the display name of the shortcut group for the copy name.


During the promotion or demotion of the DB2 copy it is installed under, the local switcher modifies the display name of the shortcut group for this copy to indicate if it is the default DB2 copy or not. This operation has encountered a problem. This is not usually a severe problem.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22032I The copy name has been successfully demoted and is no longer the default IBM database client interface copy on the system.


No errors were encountered during the execution of this operation.

User response

No action required.

DB22033I The copy name has been successfully demoted and is no longer the default DB2 copy and IBM database client interface copy on the system.


No errors were encountered during the execution of this operation.

User response

No action required.

DB22034I The copy name has been successfully promoted to be the default IBM database client interface copy on the system.


No errors were encountered during the execution of this operation.

User response

No action required.

DB22035I The copy name has been successfully promoted to be the default DB2 copy and IBM database client interface copy on the system.


No errors were encountered during the execution of this operation.

User response

No action required.

DB22036E The copy name is not the default IBM database client interface copy and therefore cannot be demoted.


The local switcher has been run with a -client -demote switch from an alternate copy. The local switcher can only demote the default IBM database client interface copy on the system.

User response

If you need to demote the default database client interface copy, run the local switcher from the installation path of the default client interface copy.

DB22037E The copy name is not default DB2 copy and IBM database client interface copy and therefore cannot be demoted.


The local switcher has been run with a -all -demote switch from an alternate copy. The local switcher can only demote the copy which is both the default DB2 copy and the default IBM database client interface copy on the system.

User response

If you need to demote the default DB2 copy and IBM database client interface copy, run the local switcher from the installation path of the copy which is both the default DB2 copy and the default IBM database client interface copy.

DB22038E Another copy name is defined as default IBM database client interface copy on the system. Promotion of another copy cannot proceed unless the current default database client interface copy is demoted.


The local switcher has been called to promote an alternate copy of database client interface while another copy is already assigned as the default IBM database client interface copy on the system.

User response

Demote the current default IBM database client interface copy before promoting an alternate copy.

DB22039E An error occurred while setting the "defaultClientInterfaceCopy" value under the HKLM\Sofware\IBM\InstalledCopied registry key to the name of the copy name.


The "defaultClientInterfaceCopy" value under the HKLM\Sofware\IBM\InstalledCopied key contains the name of the current default copy. The local switcher has encountered a problem setting this value to the name of the copy that has been promoted.

User response

Attempt the operation again. if the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

DB22040E An error occurred while updating the "defaultClientInterfaceCopy" value under the HKLM\Sofware\IBM\InstalledCopied registry key to remove the name of the copy name.


The "defaultClientInterfaceCopy" value under the HKLM\Sofware\IBM\InstalledCopied key contains the name of the current default database client interface copy. The local switcher has encountered a problem removing the name of the copy that has been demoted.

User response

Attempt the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.

DB22041E The DB2 copy name does not exist.


The specified DB2 copy does not exist.

User response

Specify an existing DB2 copy and reissue the command.

DB22042E An error occurred when setting up the database manager instance configuration for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent in the copy name.


During the promotion of the DB2 copy the local switcher attempted to set up the database manager instance configuration for the Monitoring Agent for DB2 in this copy.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22043E An error occurred when removing the database manager instance configuration for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent in the copy name.


During the demotion of the DB2 copy the local switcher attempted to remove the database manager instance configuration for the Monitoring Agent for DB2 in this copy.

User response

Contact your IBM service representative.

DB22044E An error occurred when creating the configuration file for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent in the default copy installation directory.


An internal error occurred when creating the configuration file for the Monitoring Agent for DB2 in the default copy installation directory.

User response

Ensure that you have write access to the default copy installation directory.

DB22045E An error occurred when removing the configuration file for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent in the default copy installation directory.


An internal error occurred when removing the configuration file for the Monitoring Agent for DB2 in the default copy installation directory.

User response

Ensure that you have write access to the default copy installation directory.

DB29320W Output has been truncated.


The full query result cannot be fetched as supplied.

User response

The CLP query can be rewritten to fetch a shorter string. Use of another interface to DB2 can also help in overcoming the CLP's limitation.

DB29501E The database manager has detected an inconsistent environment. Please investigate the following : error


An error in the operating environment has been detected.

User response

This error may arise due to an inconsistent DB2 or operating system environment. Attempt to correct the problem identified in the error message and re-issue the command.

DB29502E An incompatible Java Runtime Environment has been detected. Please verify that the required level of the Java Runtime Environment has been installed. The Java application may be launched using the Java runtime installed with DB2.


The installed Java runtime is not supported by the DB2 Java application.

User response

The installed DB2 Java runtime will be used to launch the DB2 Java application. Other Java applications using the installed Java runtime should be terminated prior to executing the DB2 Java application to ensure correct behaviour.

DB29503E Connections to multiple databases is not supported.


You cannot connect to more than one database.

User response

Connect to only one database.

DB29504E Connections to multiple users is not supported.


You cannot connect to more than one user.

User response

Connect to only one user.

DB29523W Are you sure you want to CANCEL the query?

DB29524E LogSQLError() Failed

DB29525E LogSQLError() param-1 param-2

DB29526E You cannot drop this table; it does not exist. Please select a job that has results, and try again, or select a recurring job that is scheduled and try again.


A request was made to drop a result table for a job which did not have an associated result table.

User response

Select a job that has a results or select a recurring job that is scheduled and try again.

DB29527W Are you sure you want to cancel job #param-1?

DB29528W Are you sure you do NOT want to display job #param-1?
WARNING: If you select this option this job will never be displayed again.

DB29530W This option will remove confirmation messages from actions like 'cancel' and 'hide'. Is this something you really want to do?

DB29537E Unknown Type: param-1


Connection SQL error: param-1
Error Number:  param-2
Error Message: param-3

DB29545E Name invalid: Query Name can only be 20 characters or less in length. Please change the name accordingly and retry.


A name for a query was specified which was longer than 20 characters.

User response

Specify a query name that has at most 20 characters.

DB29546E Name invalid: Query Name can only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces...( "a..z", "A..Z", "0..9" ). Please change the name accordingly and retry.


A name for a query was specified which contained non-alphanumeric characters.

User response

Specify a query name composed of only alphanumeric characaters.