DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


The TOTALMEMBERCONNECTIONS threshold specifies the maximum number of concurrent database connections on a coordinator member for a database, that is, this threshold controls the maximum number of clients that can connect to the database on each of its database members.

This threshold is not enforced for users with DBADM and WLMADM authority.

Definition domain
Enforcement scope
Tracked work
Yes (enforced at 0)
Number of concurrent connections
Predictive or reactive

For example, if you set the TOTALMEMBERCONNECTIONS threshold to 10 and the database has five members, each member can have up to 10 clients connected concurrently, for a total of 50 client connections across the entire database.

The TOTALMEMBERCONNECTIONS threshold controls only coordinator connections. Connections made by subagents are not counted towards the threshold.

This threshold is useful for situations in which you want to have multiple databases in the same instance. Setting a TOTALMEMBERCONNECTIONS threshold on a member ensures that client connections from one database cannot use all of the available connections on a member.

Ensure that you set the max_connections database manager configuration parameter high enough to support the maximum number of connections that you expect across the database. If you set a TOTALMEMBERCONNECTIONS threshold for a database, you must set max_connections to at least the threshold value. If you want to run multiple databases on the same instance, ensure that you set max_connections high enough to support the maximum number of connections for all databases. The data server does not check for this condition because it is impossible to know beforehand how many of the databases will be active concurrently.

Note: Although the queue size is typically enforced at 0 for the TOTALMEMBERCONNECTIONS threshold, if a threshold action of CONTINUE is specified for this queuing threshold, it effectively makes the size of the queue unbounded, regardless of any hard value specified for the queue size.