DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


The SQLROWSRETURNED threshold specifies the maximum number of rows that can be returned by the data server to the client.

Definition domain
Database, service superclass, service subclass, work action, workload and statement
Enforcement scope
Tracked work
See the information later in this topic
Number of rows
Predictive or reactive

When multiple result sets are returned by a CALL statement, the threshold applies to each result set separately and not as an aggregate to the total number of rows returned across all result sets. For example, if you define the threshold for 20 rows and the CALL statement returns two result sets returning 15 rows and 19 rows respectively, the threshold is not triggered.

Activities tracked by this threshold are as follows:
  • DML activities that are issued at the coordinator member.
  • Nested DML activities that are invoked from a user application. Consequently, DML activities that are issued by the data server internally, such as DML activities issued from within the DB2® utilities, SYSPROC stored procedures, and internal SQL, are unaffected by this threshold.