DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Migration overview from Net Search Extender to DB2 Text Search

DB2® Text Search provides sophisticated linguistic processing support for full-text search and improved capabilities for search in XML documents.

Before you port from Net Search Extender to DB2 Text Search, consider the following important aspects:
Refer to the following instructions for an overview of the migration steps.
  1. Prepare for application migration.
    1. Check the text index activation status to generate proper syntax on-the-fly according to the text index type in use. Alternatively, create a revised application version with the new syntax.
    2. Educate your users about the new DB2 Text Search syntax and semantic rules.
  2. Prepare for index migration.
    1. Start DB2 Text Search.
    2. Enable the Net Search Extender database for DB2 Text Search. Issue a db2ts ENABLE DATABASE FOR TEXT command or the corresponding stored procedure operation for the database.
    3. Create and update inactive DB2 Text Search indexes on columns with active Net Search Extender indexes. Issue a db2ts CREATE INDEX FOR TEXT command, or its corresponding stored procedure, on the same table and column for which the Net Search Extender text index exists already. You will now have both Net Search Extender and DB2 Text Search indexes within the database.
    4. Schedule DB2 Text Search incremental index updates to ensure synchronization with base table updates.
  3. 3. When text indexes are ready, switch the application version and activate the new DB2 Text Search index using the ALTER INDEX command with the SET ACTIVE option enabled.
  4. Ensure the DB2 Text Search indexes are working successfully.
    1. If successful, backup and then delete the Net Search Extender indexes. Finally, disable the Net Search Extender database.
    2. If you encounter problems, switch the application and index activation back to Net Search Extender until the issue is fixed.