DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Splitting a diagnostic data directory path by database partition server, database partition, or both

You can specify a diagnostic data directory path so that separate directories are created and named according to the database partition server, database partition, or both.

Before you begin

DB2® Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1 or a later fix pack is required.

About this task

You can specify a diagnostic data directory path to separately store diagnostic information according to the database partition server or database partition from which the diagnostic data dump originated.


What to do next

  • If a diagnostic data directory path split per database partition is specified ($n or $h$n), the NODE0000 directory will always be created for each database partition server. The NODE0000 directory can be ignored if database partition 0 does not exist on the database partition server where the NODE0000 directory was created.
  • To check that the setting of the diagnostic data directory path was successfully split, execute the following command:
    db2 get dbm cfg | grep DIAGPATH
    A successfully split diagnostic data directory path returns the values $h, $n, or $h$n with a preceding blank space. The following example shows a sample output that is returned:
    Diagnostic data directory path            (DIAGPATH) = /home/usr1/db2dump/ $h$n 

To merge separate db2diag log files to make analysis and troubleshooting easier, use the db2diag -merge command. For additional information, see: "db2diag - db2diag logs analysis tool command" and "Analyzing db2diag log files using db2diag tool".