DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

db2diag - db2diag logs analysis tool command

This utility is a tool to filter and format both single and rotating db2diag log files. The db2diag tool reads from rotating db2diag log files if the diagsize database manager configuration parameter is set. Otherwise, by default, it reads from the default db2diag.log file.



Required connection


Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
            '- -global-'  '- -merge-'   

   '- -global-- -merge-- -sdir--sharedDirPathname-'   

   V                                  |   
     '-+- -facility-+--+-ALL------+-'     
       '- -fac------'  +-MAIN-----+       

   '-+- -g--fieldPatternList------+-'   
     +- -filter--fieldPatternList-+     
     +- -gi--fieldPatternList-----+     
     +- -gv--fieldPatternList-----+     
     +- -giv--fieldPatternList----+     
     '- -gvi--fieldPatternList----'     

   '- -lastrecords--number-of-records-'   

   '- -pid--processIDList-'  '- -tid--threadIDList-'   

   '- -eduid--EduIDList-'  '-+- -n----+--nodeList-'   
                             '- -node-'               

   '-+- -e-----+--errorList-'  '-+- -l-----+--levelList-'   
     '- -error-'                 '- -level-'                

   '-+- -c-----+-'  '-+- -V-------+-'  '- -cbe-'   
     '- -count-'      '- -verbose-'                

   +- -v------+  '- -exist-'  '- -strict-'   
   '- -invert-'                              

   '- -rc--+-rcList-+-'  '- -fmt--formatString-'   

   '-+- -o------+--pathName-'   
     '- -output-'               

   '-+- -f------+--+-----------------------------+-'   
     '- -follow-'  +-startTime-------------------+     

   '-+- -H-------+--+------------------------------------+-'   
     '- -history-'  +-historyPeriod----------------------+     

   '-+- -t----+--+-startTime-------------+-'   
     '- -time-'  +-:--endTime------------+     

   '-+- -A-------+--+---------+-'  '- -readfile-'   
     '- -archive-'  '-dirName-'                     

   '- -ecfid-'  +- -h-- -optionList---------------------+   
                '- -help-- -optionList--?-- -optionList-'   

   '- -lastlines--number-of-lines-'   

Command parameters

Specifies that all the db2diag log files from all the database partitions on all the hosts are included in the log file processing.
Note: This command parameter is available in DB2® Version 9.8 Fix Pack 2 and later fix packs. This option supports rotating diagnostic log files and files located in split diagnostic data directories. In DB2 Version 9.8 Fix Pack 2, this option cannot be used in combination with the -follow option. In DB2 Version 9.8 Fix Pack 3 and later fix packs, this option can be used in combination with the -follow option.
Merges diagnostic log files and sorts the records based on the timestamp. This option supports rotating diagnostic log files and files located in split diagnostic data directories.

If this command parameter is not followed by two or more space-separated filename values, the db2diag log files in the directory or directories specified by the diagpath database manager configuration parameter and alt_diagpath database manager configuration parameter are merged. If the diagnostic data directory path is split across multiple database partitions, only the db2diag log files in the database partitions of the current host are merged.

If only one filename is specified, or only one diagnostic file exists in the path specified in the diagpath database manager configuration parameter and if alt_diagpath database manager configuration parameter is not set, then the single diagnostic log file is processed by the command as though the -merge command parameter was not specified.

Note: This command parameter is available in DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1 and later fix packs. It cannot be used in combination with -facility, -follow, or -archive options. Starting from DB2 Version 9.7 Fix Pack 7, the -merge option will support automatically merging db2diag.log files from alt_diagpath directory
-global -merge -sdir sharedDirPathname
Specifying the -global and -merge options together results in all the db2diag log files from all the database partitions on all the hosts to be merged, and the records sorted based on the timestamp. This option supports rotating diagnostic log files and files located in split diagnostic data directories.
Note: The -sdir sharedDirPathname option must be specified to temporarily store the merged diagnostic log files obtained from the different hosts. The temporary merged diagnostic log files are deleted after processing has been completed. The sharedDirPathname must specify a shared directory to which all hosts have access and write permission.
Specifies one or more space-separated path names of DB2 diagnostic logs to be processed. If the file name is omitted, the db2diag log file from the current directory is processed. If the file is not found, the directory or directories set by the diagpath database manager configuration parameter is searched.
-facility | -fac
Reads the files from the corresponding facility. A facility is a logical grouping of records. For example, all optimizer statistics records are grouped into the OPTSTATS facility. The output will be in text format by default. Valid facility options are the following values:
Returns records from all facilities.
Returns records from DB2 general diagnostic logs, such as the db2diag log file, and rotating event logs.
Returns records related to optimizer statistics.
-fmt formatString
Formats the db2diag output using a format string, formatString, containing record fields in the form %field, %{field}, @field, or @{field}. The %{field} and @{field} are used to separate a field name from the alphanumeric (or any other allowed character) that may follow the field name. All field names are case-insensitive. Field names can be shortened to the several first characters that are necessary to recognize a field name without ambiguity. In addition, aliases can be used for fields with long names. A prefix before a field name, %, or @, specifies whether a text preceding the field will be displayed (%) or not (@), if the field is empty.

The following fields are currently available:

timestamp | ts
Time stamp. This field can be divided into its constituent fields: %tsyear, %tsmonth, %tsday, %tshour, %tsmin (minute), %tssec (second), %tsmsec (microsecond for UNIX operating systems, millisecond for Windows operating systems).
timezone | tz
Number of minutes difference from UTC (Universal Coordinated Time). For example, -300 is Eastern Time.
recordid | recid
A unique alphanumeric identifier for a record, such as I11455A696.
Intended audience for a logged message. 'E' indicates external users (IBM customers, service analysts, and developers). 'I' indicates internal users (service analysts and developers). 'D' indicates debugging information for developers.
The diagnostic level of a message. The levels are Info, Warning, Error, Severe, Critical, and Event.
Location from which the logged error originated: Origin, OS, Received, or Sent.
instance | inst
Instance name.
Database partition server number.
database | db
Database name.
Process ID.
Thread ID.
EDU name.
Name associated with the process ID, in double quotation marks. For example, "db2sysc.exe".
Product name. For example, DB2 COMMON.
Component name.
Function name.
Probe number.
Full function description: %prod, %comp, %funcname, probe:%probe.
The application ID. This value is the same as the appl_id monitor element data. For detailed information about how to interpret this value, see "appl_id - Application ID monitor element".
Coordinator partition.
Coordinator index.
Application handle: %coordnode - %coordindex.
message | msg
Error message.
Product name of the function that returned an error.
Component name of the function that returned an error.
Name of the function that returned an error.
Full description of the function that returned an error: %calledprod, %calledcomp, %calledfunc.
Return code value (32 bytes).
Error description.
retcode | rc
Return code returned by the function called: %rcval %rcdesc.
System error number.
System-specific error name.
Operating system error returned by a system call: %errno %errname.
Call stack.
Data description.
Data object.
Full data section of a message: %datadesc %dataobject.
Argument description.
Argument object.
Arguments of a function call that returned an error: %argdesc %argobject.
Event descriptions:
User impact (for events only).
Start event description (*).
Stop event description (*).
Change event description (*).
Initialization event description (*).
Finish/finalize event description (*).
Startup event description (*).
Terminate event description (*).
Bringdown event description (*).
Interrupt event description (*).
Associate event description (*).
Disassociate event description (*).
Change configuration event description (*).
Transfer event description (*).
Dispatch event description (*).
Switch event description (*).
Report event description (*).
Get event description (*).
Free event description (*).
Open event description (*).
Close event description (*).
Work event description (*).
Wait event description (*).
Available event description (*).
Connect event description (*).
Disconnect event description (*).
Accept event description (*).
Receive event description (*).
Send event description (*).
Create event description (*).
Destroy event description (*).
Request event description (*).
Reply event description (*).
Dependency event description (*).
Write event description (*).
Read event description (*).
Reset event description (*).
Collect event description (*).
Add event description (*).
Alter event description (*).
Drop event description (*).
Invalidate event description (*).
Grant event description (*).
Revoke event description (*).
(*) Each event field has the following subfields:
Event description (header with event information).
Event state (success, failure, start, stop, in progress, idle) or event progress (in %).
Event attributes (business level, cached, sync, async, internal, external, logical, physical, auto, manual, temporary, permanent).
Unique object identifier (TABLE, CFG, DBM).
Event object name (for example, "schema.tablename").
Object data (used if object is not a string or simple integer type, for example, data structure or some complex type).
Event qualifier type (FROM, TO, ON, FOR, AT, BY, CONTEXT).
Event qualifier name/value (for example, FOR "DB ABC").
Event qualifier data header (contains type, text description and size of data). Used together with the %{event}qdata field.
Event qualifier data (used if qualifier is not a string or simple integer type, for example, some data structure or complex type).

In the preceding list, keyword {event} should be substituted by event type for a specific event (for example, start, stop, change, read, write).

To always display the text preceding a field name (for example, for the required fields), the % field prefix should be used. To display the text preceding a field name when this field contains some data, the @ prefix should be used. Any combination of required and optional fields with the corresponding text descriptions is allowed.

The following special characters are recognized within a format string: \n, \r, \f, \v, and \t.

In contrast to other fields, the data and argument fields can contain several sections. To output a specific section, add the [n] after the field name where n is a section number (1≤ n ≤64). For example, to output the first data object and the second data description sections, use %{dataobj}[1] and %{datadesc}[2]. When [n] is not used, all sections logged are output using pre-formatted logged data exactly as appears in a log message, so there is no need to add the applicable text description and separating newline before each data field, argument field, or section.

-filter fieldPatternList | -g fieldPatternList
fieldPatternList is a comma-separated list of field-pattern pairs in the following format: fieldName operator searchPattern.
The operator can be one of the following values:
Selects only those records that contain matches that form whole words. (Word search.)
Selects those records that contain matches in which a search pattern can be part of a larger expression.
Selects only non-matching lines. (Invert word match.)
Selects only non-matching lines in which the search pattern can be part of a larger expression.
Selects records for which the field value starts with the search pattern specified.
Selects records for which the field value does not start with the search pattern specified.

The same fields are available as described for the -fmt option, except that the % and @ prefixes are not used for this option.

-gi fieldPatternList
Same as -g, but case-insensitive.
-gv fieldPatternList
Searches for messages that do not match the specified pattern.
-gvi | -giv fieldPatternList
Same as -gv, but case-insensitive.
-lastrecords number-of-records
Displays and filters the last number of records specified from the db2diag log file. For each db2diag log file, this parameter checks whether the number of records specified are available. If the number of records available in the log file is less than the number of records you specified, the db2diag command processes all the records available in the file. If split diagnostic data directory paths are used, the last number of records specified is returned for each db2diag log file in each path.
-pid processIDList
Displays only log messages with the process IDs listed.
-tid threadIDList
Displays only log messages with the thread IDs listed.
-eduid EduIDList
Finds all records with a specified EDU ID from a list of EDU IDs containing one or more comma separated numeric values.
-n | -node nodeList
Displays only log messages with the database partition numbers listed.
-e | -error errorList
Displays only log messages with the error numbers listed.
-l | -level levelList
Finds all records with a specified severity level from a list of severity levels containing one or more comma separated text values, namely: Info, Warning, Error, Severe, Critical and Event.
-c | -count
Displays the number of records found.
-v | -invert
Inverts the pattern matching to select all records that do not match the specified pattern
Displays records using only one field: value pair per line. All empty fields are skipped. This can be used for scripts to simplify parsing.
-V | -verbose
Outputs all fields, including empty fields.
Defines how fields in a record are processed when a search is requested. If this option is specified, a field must exist in order to be processed.
Common Base Event (CBE) Canonical Situation Data.
-o | -output pathName
Saves the output to a file specified by a fully qualified pathName.
-f | -follow
If the input file is a single or rotating db2diag log file, specifies that the tool will not terminate after the last record of the input file has been processed. Instead, it sleeps for a specified interval of time (sleepInterval), and then attempts to read and process further records from the input file as they become available. As of Version 9.8 Fix Pack 3, only the records from the last 8 kilobytes of the input file are processed.

The follow mode will also handle rotating db2diag log files. For example, the command will read the latest rotating diagnostic log file in use (db2diag.23.log) and follow along to the next created rotating log file (db2diag.24.log) when the db2diag.23.log log file meets its size limit.

This option can be used when monitoring records being written to a file by another process. The startTime option can be specified to show all the records logged after this time. The startTime option is specified using the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn, where
Specifies a year.
Specifies a month of a year (01 through 12).
Specifies a day of a month (01 through 31).
Specifies an hour of a day (00 through 23).
Specifies a minute of an hour (00 through 59).
Specifies a second of a minute (00 through 59).
Specifies microseconds on UNIX operating systems, or milliseconds on Windows operating systems.
Some or all of the fields that follow the year field can be omitted. If they are omitted, the default values will be used. The default values are 1 for the month and day, and 0 for all other fields.

If an exact match for the record time stamp does not exist in the diagnostic log file, the closest time earlier than the specified time stamp will be used.

The sleepInterval option specifies a sleep interval in seconds. If a smaller time unit is required, it can be specified as a floating point value. The default value is 2 seconds

-H | -history
Displays the history of logged messages for the specified time interval. This option can be specified with the following options:
Specifies that logged messages are displayed starting from the most recent logged record, for the duration specified by historyPeriod. The historyPeriod option is specified using the following format: Number timeUnit, where Number is the number of time units and timeUnit indicates the type of time unit: M (month), d (day), h (hour), m (minute), and s (second). The default value for Number is 30, and for timeUnit is m.
Specifies that logged messages are displayed that were recorded within the time period after the start time specified by historyReference (if an explicit positive value for historyPeriod is given), or logged messages are displayed that were recorded within the time period before the end time specified by historyReference (if a negative value for historyPeriod is given, or by default).
The format is YYYY-MM-DD-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn, where:
Specifies a year.
Specifies a month of a year (01 through 12).
Specifies a day of a month (01 through 31).
Specifies an hour of a day (00 through 23).
Specifies a minute of an hour (00 through 59).
Specifies a second of a minute (00 through 59).
Specifies microseconds (UNIX operating systems) or milliseconds (Windows operating systems).
-t | -time
Specifies a time stamp value. This option can be specified with one or both of the following options:
Displays all messages that are logged at startTime and after the startTime.
Displays all messages that are logged before endTime and at endTime.
To display messages that are logged from startTime to endTime, specify -t startTime:endTime.
The format is YYYY-MM-DD-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn, where:
Specifies a year.
Specifies a month of a year (01 through 12).
Specifies a day of a month (01 through 31).
Specifies an hour of a day (00 through 23).
Specifies a minute of an hour (00 through 59).
Specifies a second of a minute (00 through 59).
Specifies microseconds (UNIX operating systems) or milliseconds (Windows operating systems).
Some or all of the fields that follow the year field can be omitted. If they are omitted, the default values will be used. The default values are 1 for the month and day, and 0 for all other fields.

If an exact match for the record time stamp does not exist in the diagnostic log file, the time closest to the time stamp specified will be used.

-A | -archive dirName
Archives both single and rotating diagnostic log files. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored. If one or more file names are specified, each file is processed individually. A timestamp, in the format YYYY-MM-DD-hh.mm.ss, is appended to the file name.

You can specify the name of the file and directory where it is to be archived. If the directory is not specified, the file is archived in the directory where the file is located and the directory name is extracted from the file name.

If you specify a directory but no file name, the current directory is searched for the db2diag log file. If found, the file will be archived in the specified directory. If the file is not found, the directories specified by the diagpath and alt_diagpath configuration parameters are searched for the db2diag log file. If found, it is archived in the directory specified.

If you do not specify a file or a directory, the current directory is searched for the db2diag log file. If found, it is archived in the current directory. If the file is not found, the directories specified by the diagpath and alt_diagpath configuration parameters are searched for the db2diag log file. If found, it is archived in the directory specified by the diagpath or alt_diagpath configuration parameter.

Starting with Version 9.7, Fixpack 4, the db2diag -archive option is available with IBM® Data Server Driver Package and IBM Data Server for ODBC and CLI. This option enables you to archive the diagnostic log file on an instance-less client. For example:
$ db2diag -A
db2diag: Moving "/home/usr1/clidriver/db2dump/db2diag.log"
         to     "/home/usr1/clidriver/db2dump/db2diag.log_2010-09-14-01.16.26"
Forces reading from a diagnostic log file ignoring any terminal input. This option can be used in scripts to guarantee that db2diag will read from a file and not from a terminal, especially in situations when stdin is disabled or when automated tools are used. Running the db2diag command using rah or db2_all also requires the -readfile option to be used.
-rc rcList | switch
Displays descriptions of DB2 internal error return codes for a space separated list, rcList, of the particular ZRC or ECF hexadecimal or negative decimal return codes. A full list of ZRC or ECF return codes can be displayed by specifying one of the following switches:
Displays short descriptions of DB2 ZRC return codes.
Displays short descriptions of DB2 ECF return codes.
Displays short descriptions of DB2 ZRC return codes in the HTML format.

When this option is specified, all other options are ignored and output is directed to a display.

-ecfid ecfId
Displays function information extracted from the numeric ecfId. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored.
-h | -help | ?
Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed. If a list of options, optionList, containing one or more comma separated command parameters is omitted, a list of all available options with short descriptions is displayed. For each option specified in the optionList, more detailed information and usage examples are displayed. Help output can be modified by using one of the following switches in place of the optionList argument to display more information about the tool and its usage:
Displays help information for all options without examples.
Displays a few typical examples to assist in using the tool.
Displays examples that describe advanced features.
Displays usage notes and restrictions.
Displays complete information about all options, including usage examples for each option.
-lastlines number-of-lines
Displays and filters the last number of lines specified from the db2diag log file. For each db2diag log file, this parameter checks whether the number of lines specified are available. If the number of lines available in the log file is less than the number of records you specified, the db2diag command processes all the lines available in the file. If split diagnostic data directory paths are used, the last number of lines specified is returned for each db2diag log file in each path.


The following is a list of some examples which illustrate how to use the db2diag command under various circumstances:
  • To merge all db2diag log files in the diagnostic data directory path, execute the following command:
    db2diag -merge
    If the diagnostic data directory path is split according to database partitions, this command merges the db2diag log files from all the database partitions of the current host. If the diagnostic data directory path is not split, the single diagnostic log file is processed by the command as though the -merge option was not specified.
  • In this example, the default diagnostic data directory path was split according to physical host and database partition by setting the diagpath database manager configuration parameter using the following command:
    db2 update dbm cfg using diagpath '"$h$n"'
    This example shows how to obtain an output of all the records from all the diagnostic logs and merge the diagnostic log files from three database partitions on each of two hosts, bower and horton. The following is a list of the six db2diag log files:
    • ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_bower/NODE0000/db2diag.log
    • ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_bower/NODE0001/db2diag.log
    • ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_bower/NODE0002/db2diag.log
    • ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_horton/NODE0003/db2diag.log
    • ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_horton/NODE0004/db2diag.log
    • ~/sqllib/db2dump/HOST_horton/NODE0005/db2diag.log
    To output the records from all six db2diag log files, run the following command:
    db2diag -global
    To merge all six db2diag log files in the diagnostic data directory path from all three database partitions on each of the hosts bower and horton and format the output based on the timestamp, execute the following command:
    db2diag -global -merge -sdir /temp/keon -fmt %{ts}
    where /temp/keon is a shared directory, shared by the hosts bower and horton, to store temporary merged files from each host during processing.
  • To display all critical error messages, enter:
    db2diag -level critical
    db2diag -g 'level=Critical'
  • To display all severe error messages produced by the process with the process ID (PID) 52356 and on database partition 1, 2 or 3, enter:
    db2diag -g level=Severe,pid=952356 -n 1,2,3
  • To display all messages containing database SAMPLE and instance aabrashk, enter:
    db2diag -g db=SAMPLE,instance=aabrashk
  • To display all severe error messages containing the database field, enter:
    db2diag -g db:= -gi level=severe
  • To display all error messages containing the DB2 ZRC return code 0x87040055, and the application ID G916625D.NA8C.068149162729, enter:
    db2diag -g msg:=0x87040055 -l Error | db2diag -gi appid^=G916625D.NA
  • To display all messages not containing the LOADID data, enter:
    db2diag -gv data:=LOADID
  • To display only logged records not containing the LOCAL pattern in the application ID field, enter:
    db2diag -gi appid!:=local
    db2diag -g appid!:=LOCAL
    All records that don't match will be displayed. To output only messages that have the application ID field, enter:
    db2diag -gvi appid:=local -exist
  • To display all messages logged after the one with timestamp 2003-03-03- inclusively, enter:
    db2diag -time 2003-03-03-
  • To display severe errors logged for the last three days, enter:
    db2diag -gi "level=severe" -H 3d
  • To display all log messages not matching the pdLog pattern for the funcname field, enter:
    db2diag -g 'funcname!=pdLog'
    db2diag -gv 'funcn=pdLog'
  • To display all severe error messages containing component name starting from the "base sys, enter:
    db2diag -l severe | db2diag -g "comp^=base sys"
  • To view the growth of the db2diag.log file, enter: db2diag -f db2diag.log This displays all records written to the db2diag.log file in the current directory. Records are displayed as they are added to the file. The display continues until you press Ctrl-C.

  • To write the context of the db2diag.log into the db2diag_123.log file located in the /home/user/Logs directory, enter:
    db2diag -o /home/user/Logs/db2diag_123.log
  • To call db2diag from a Perl script using default settings, enter:
    system("db2diag -readfile");
  • This will force db2diag to process db2diag.log/db2diag.*.log files (Rotating logs if the database manager diagsize configuration parameter is set) from a directory specified by the diagpath configuration parameter.

  • To read the db2diag.log1 file from a specified directory ignoring any terminal input, enter:
    system("db2diag -readfile /u/usr/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log1");
  • To display function information corresponding to ecfId = 0x1C30000E, enter:
    db2diag -ecfid 0x1C30000E
    which is equivalent to,
    db2diag -ecfid 472907790
    This will display function name, component and product name.
  • To display only logged records containing eduid = 123, enter:
    db2diag -eduid 123
  • To display all records containing eduid = 123 or eduid = 5678, enter:
    db2diag -eduid "123,5678"
  • To display all severe error messages produced by a thread with eduid = 15, enter:
    db2diag -g "level=Severe, eduid=15"
    or, which is equivalent,
    db2diag -g level=Severe | db2diag -eduid 15
  • To display the last 5 formatted records from database partition 1, enter:
    db2diag -lastrecords 5 -node 1 -fmt "%{ts} %{node}"
  • To read last 10 lines from all the db2diag.log files:

     db2diag -lastlines 10
  • To merge the records in last 20 lines of each log file:

     db2diag -merge file1 file2 file3... -lastlines 20
  • To display the records in last 20 lines of each db2diag.log file from all hosts:

     db2diag -global -lastlines 20
  • To display all the records in last 100 lines which have Level=Error:

    db2diag -g level=Error -lastlines 100

Usage notes