Activation details summary for function levels

Use this information to plan activation of Db2 12 function levels. Activation of a function level implies activation of all lower function levels.

Before you activate function levels, you must also resolve any incompatible changes that are introduced by the activated function levels. For a summary of such changes, see Incompatible changes summary for function levels 501 and higher.

Activation details for function level 510 (V12R1M510)

Function level 510 (V12R1M510) has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: PH33727
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M509
Catalog changes: None.
Application compatibility control: None.

Activation details for function level 509

The following activation details apply to function level 509:

Enabling APAR: PH33015
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M509
Catalog changes: A new COMPRESS_USED column is added in the SYSIBM.SYSTABLEPART catalog table, and new values 'F', and 'H' are added for the COMPRESS column in the following catalog tables:
Application compatibility control: The following new capabilities require that application runs at application compatibility level V12R1M509 or higher:
  • UPDATE or DELETE from the parent table in a temporal RI relationship.

Activation details for function level 508

Function level 508 has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: APAR PH29392
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M507
Catalog changes: None
Application compatibility control: Application compatibility level V12R1M508 or higher must be in effect for use of the new MOVE TABLE keyword of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement.

Activation details for function level 507

Function level 507 has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: PH24371.
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M507
Catalog changes: The following built-in global variables are introduced via a CATMAINT job:
Application compatibility control: Applications must run at application compatibility level V12R1M507 or higher to use the following new capabilities:
  • The SYSIBMADM.MAX_LOCKS_PER_TABLESPACE built-in global variable for overriding the NUMLKTS subsystem parameter.
  • The SYSIBMADM.MAX_LOCKS_PER_USER built-in global variable for overriding the NUMLKUS subsystem parameter.
  • CREATE PROCEDURE with the OR REPLACE and SPECIFIC clauses for external procedures and native SQL procedures.
  • Newly supported passthrough-only expressions.

Activation details for function level 506

Function level 506 has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: PH16829.
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M505
Catalog changes: None.
Application compatibility control: Applications must run at application compatibility level V12R1M506 or higher to use the following new capabilities:
  • Newly supported names for existing built-in functions.
  • DROP statement enhancements for implicitly dropping explicitly created table spaces.

Activation details for function level 505

Function level 505 has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: PH09191.
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M505 1
Catalog level V12R1M505 changes:

A new COPYID column is added in the following tables:

Application compatibility control: Applications must run at application compatibility level V12R1M505 or higher to use the following new capabilities:
  • All built-in functions described in New built-in functions for encryption and decryption with key labels.
  • Creating a new index with a DECFLOAT column as a key, or adding a DECFLOAT column to an existing index.
  • Defining a primary or unique constraint with a DECFLOAT column.
  • Temporal and archive transparency support for WHEN clause on triggers.
  1. Before tailoring the Db2 catalog for catalog level V12R1M505, apply the PTFs for the following APARs: PH19720 and PH15258.

Activation details for function level 504

Function level 504 has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: PH07672.
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M503
Application compatibility control: Applications must run at application compatibility level V12R1M504 or higher to use the following new capabilities:

Activation details for function level 503

Function level 503 has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: PH00506
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M503
Catalog level V12R1M503 changes: The REPLICATION_OVERRIDE built-in global variable is added.

For a summary of changes in Db2 12, see Catalog changes in Db2 12.

Application compatibility control: Applications must run at application compatibility level V12R1M503 or higher to use the following new capabilities:
  • The SYSIBMADM.REPLICATION_OVERRIDE built-in global variable for replication of system-period temporal tables and generated expression columns.
  • The temporal query result change for system-period temporal tables defined with the ON DELETE ADD EXTRA ROW attribute that also contain a DATA CHANGE OPERATION column.

Activation details for function level 502

Function level 502 has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: PI95511
Minimum Db2 catalog level: V12R1M502
Catalog level V12R1M502 changes: The KEYLABEL column is added in the following catalog tables:
Restriction: Start of change Before you can run CATMAINT to tailor the Db2 catalog for function level 502 or higher, you must first activate function level 500 or 501. That is, the DISPLAY GROUP command output must indicate HIGHEST ACTIVATED FUNCTION LEVEL (V12R1M500) or higher. This restriction prevents tailoring the Db2 catalog for function levels higher than 500 while fallback to Db2 11 remains possible. However, later activating a lower function level such as function level 100* does not restrict the CATMAINT operation.End of change

For a summary of changes in Db2 12, see Catalog changes in Db2 12.

Application compatibility control: Applications must run at application compatibility level V12R1M502 or higher to use the following new capabilities:
  • CREATE or ALTER statements that specify the KEYLABEL option. However, applications that already reference encrypted data can continue to run at their current application compatibility levels.
  • Explicit casting of numeric data types to fixed or variable length graphic strings, with the GRAPHIC or VARGRAPHIC built-in functions or the CAST specification.

Function level 501 activation details

Function level 501 has the following activation details:

Enabling APAR: PI70535
Minimum required catalog level: V12R1M500
Application compatibility control: Use of the LISTAGG built-in function level requires application compatibility level V12R1M501 or higher.

IBM data server clients and drivers that use the capabilities in function level 501 or are bound with application compatibility level V12R1M501 or higher, require extra program preparation steps. For instructions, see Setting application compatibility levels for data server clients and drivers.