
When the check pending state is set on or off, the updating of the catalog tables (SYSTABLESPACE, SYSTABLES, and SYSTABLEPART) fails. The CORRELATION-ID, id1, is the correlation identifier of the thread associated with the application requesting that the check pending state be set on or off. The CONNECTION-ID, id2, is the correlation identifier of the application. Correlation IDs beginning with '0nn', where 'nn' is a number from 01 to 28, identify system agents.

System action

Processing continues.

Problem determination

The utility being processed requested the setting of check pending either on or off. The updating of the STATUS column of SYSTABLESPACE, and of the CHECKFLAG and CHECKRID columns of SYSTABLES and SYSTABLEPART failed. Processing continues normally. However, those columns for the rows being updated now contain invalid values. Subsequent utility processing ignores these values, and the next setting or resetting of check pending for that table space corrects the error in one of the following ways:
  • If the table space is set to check pending and the catalog fields are in error, the scope of check pending is escalated in the catalog. (The STATUS column of SYSTABLESPACE is set to 'P', and the CHECKFLAG and CHECKRID columns of SYSTABLES and SYSTABLEPART are set to 'C' and binary zeros.)
  • If the table space is set to not check pending and the catalog fields are in error, the scope of check pending is set off in the catalog. (The STATUS column of SYSTABLESPACE is set to an 'A', and the CHECKFLAG and CHECKRID columns of SYSTABLES and SYSTABLEPART are set to blanks.)

After the catalog fields are corrected, the setting or resetting of check pending continues as specified.

Usually message DSNT500I or DSNT501I is also issued, because the probable cause of the error is RESOURCE UNAVAILABLE. If the reason for the failure was not RESOURCE UNAVAILABLE, an SVC dump is requested and processing continues normally. To determine the cause of the failure, refer to the dump listing.

Collect the following diagnostic items:
  • Console output from the system on which the job was run, and a listing of the SYSLOG data set for the period of time that spans the failure.
  • Listing of SYS1.LOGREC data set, obtained by executing IFCEREP1.
  • SYSPRINT output, including JCL, for the application program or batch job, and system messages that were issued. Make sure that MSGLEVEL=(1,1) on the JOB statement so that all diagnostic information is sent to SYSPRINT.


0 (informational) or 4 (warning)