DSNU971I csect-name TABLESPACE database-name.tablespace-name IS CHECK PENDING OR AUX CHECK PENDING CORRELATION-ID correlation-identifier CONNECTION-ID connection-identifier LUW-ID luw-identifier


This message is sent to the console when TABLESPACE tsname is set to CHECK pending or auxiliary CHECK pending state. The CORRELATION-ID correlation-identifier is the correlation identifier of the thread requesting CHECK pending or auxiliary CHECK pending status. Correlation IDs beginning with '0nn', where nn is a number from 01 to 28, identify system agents. The CONNECTION-ID connection-identifier is the correlation identifier of the thread. The LUW-ID luw-identifier is the logical-unit-of-work identifier of the thread. If the LUW-ID is an '*', the thread has no LUW-ID. If it is not an '*', the value is a logical-unit-of-work-id that is assigned to the thread followed by an '=' sign and a token value, which can be used in place of logical-unit-of-work-id in any Db2 command that accepts logical-unit-of-work-id as input.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

Resolve the CHECK pending status.


4 (warning)