DSNU823I csect-name ORPHANED XML DOCUMENT FOUND FOR XML COLUMN column-name IN BASE TABLE creator-name.table-name, DOCID document-id


The CHECK DATA utility found an XML document in the XML table space, but the document is not referenced by a base table row.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the XML column.
The name of the table, qualified by the name of the creator of the table.
The hexadecimal document identifier that is specified for the XML document.

System action

Processing continues until you receive completion code 4.

The state changes take place if SHRLEVEL REFERENCE is specified or is the default option. If SHRLEVEL CHANGE is specified, the state of the table space remains unchanged.

This is an informational message. XML processing is not hindered because an XML column entry exists in the node ID index, but not in the base table.

Programmer response

To delete the orphaned XML document, run REPAIR LOCATE TABLESPACE xml-tablespace DOCID document-id DELETE.


4 (warning)