DSNU611I csect-name COLUMN column-name NOT FOUND FOR TABLE creator.table-name


The column name that was specified as an operand of the COLUMN keyword was not found in the specified table.

If this message is displayed after RUNSTATS with USE PROFILE was run, a column in the statistics profile might not exist in the table.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the column.
The qualified name of the table.

System action

Validation of the utility invocation statement is completed, and the executing utility job step is terminated.

User response

Ensure that the column name given in the message is correct for the table that was specified. Check that the column name specified in the utility control statement is identical to that found in the SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS catalog table. Correct any errors and reissue the utility job.

If the problematic column is in a statistics profile, check whether the column has been renamed since the profile was created or updated. (Columns are renamed by using an ALTER TABLE statement with RENAME COLUMN). If the column has been renamed, delete and re-create the profile with the updated column name.

Problem determination


8 (error)