DSNU571I csect-name ALL site SYSCOPY RECORDS FOR obj-type= obj-qual.obj-name PARTITION=part-num HAVE BEEN DELETED


The MODIFY RECOVERY utility deleted all of the SYSCOPY table records for the specified table space or index space partition. Any related SYSLGRNX rows are deleted if DSNUM ALL is specified. The 'part-num' of specified table space or index space is no longer recoverable at the 'site'. The 'site' can be 'LOCALSITE' or 'RECOVERYSITE'.

System action

Utility processing continues.

System programmer response

The 'part-num' of specified table space or index space is no longer recoverable at the 'site' after this message is received. Use the COPY utility to create one or more copies for the 'site' to establish a base for future recovery.


4 (warning)