DSNU437I RESTART OF COPY ON object-type object-qualifier.object-name DSNUM n IS NOT ALLOWED


Restart of a COPY utility on the identified object is not allowed because a REORG utility reorganized the data.

The type of object to be copied.
The qualified name of the identified object in the COPY utility.
The data set number of the object. DSNUM n is omitted from the message text if:
  • DSNUM is not specified on the COPY utility statement.
  • DSNUM ALL is specified on the COPY utility statement.

System action

The utility halts processing for this object. If the utility job step includes an OPTIONS control statement with EVENT(ITEMERROR,SKIP) the utility processes the next item in the list. Otherwise, utility processing terminates.

System programmer response

Run the REPORT RECOVERY utility for the object. Examine the REPORT RECOVERY output. Submit another COPY utility to create a backup of the object needed.


8 (error)