DSNU3355I csect-name - TOTAL SORT MEMORY memory-location THE BAR: OPTIMAL optimal-memory MB, USED actual-memory MB


This message reports information about the total use of storage for utility sort processing.

Whether the reported values apply to memory above or below the 2 GB bar.
Whether the reported values apply to memory above or below the 2 GB bar.
The optimal amount of memory that is needed for the estimated amount of data to be sorted.
The actual amount of memory that is used by the utility sort work. This value is -1 if the actual memory consumption value is not available.

Memory above the 2 GB bar is used to reduce disk I/O for storing data in sort work data sets. Insufficient memory resources above the bar might affect elapsed time, without causing other problems. However, memory below the bar is essential for sort work processing, and sort work must be allowed to use the optimal amount of memory if possible.

Memory below the bar can be limited by options such as the region size of the utility job and by the IEFUSI exit routine.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

Check for option settings that limit memory below the bar, such as the region size of the utility job and by the IEFUSI exit routine limits.


0 (informational)