DSNU3354I csect-name - SORT task-prefix: MEMORY memory-location THE BAR: OPTIMAL optimal-memory MB, USED actual-memory MB


This message reports information about the use of storage for each utility sort task:

The prefix of the sort work data set used by the utility sort work.
Whether the reported values apply to memory above or below the 2 GB bar.
Start of changeThe optimal amount of memory that is needed for the estimated amount of data to be sorted without constraints. This value is determined based on the estimated amount of data before the sort starts.End of change
The actual amount of memory that is used by the utility sort work. This value is -1 if the actual memory consumption value is not available.

Memory above the 2 GB bar reduces disk I/O for storing data in sort work data sets. Insufficient memory resources above the bar might affect elapsed time, without causing other problems. However, memory below the bar is essential for sort work processing. Sort work must be allowed to use at least the optimal amount of memory if possible.

Start of changeSmall variations of actual-memory versus optimal-memory can occur when data distributions cause unfavorable sort paths that require more memory than estimated. Also, actual-memory can be much larger than optimal-memory if unused memory detected during the sort operation offers even better performance.End of change

System action

Processing continues.

User response

Start of changeIf actual-memory is regularly smaller than optimal-memory, consider adjusting the system settings for memory, such as the region size of the utility job and by the IEFUSI exit routine limits, to improve overall utility performance.End of change


0 (informational)