DSNU1555I csect-name RECOVER LOGUNDO STATUS: LOG RECORD AT RBA current-rba TO RBA last-rba ON MEMBER member-name


This message is produced periodically during the LOGUNDO phase of the RECOVER utility or FlashCopy® with consistency. The RBAs or LRSNs in this message can be used to monitor the progress of the LOGUNDO phase. The RBA values apply to a non-data sharing environment. The LRSN values apply to a data-sharing environment.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The RBA or LRSN of the log record that Db2 is currently processing.
The RBA or LRSN of the last log record that Db2 will read in this LOGUNDO phase.
The Db2 member. In the following situations, member-name is blank:
  • In a non-data sharing environment
  • During a FlashCopy with consistency
  • During a RECOVER utility job with the BACKOUT YES option
For the last two situations (FlashCopy with consistency and RECOVER BACKOUT YES), Db2 performs a merged LOGUNDO phase instead of a LOGUNDO phase for each member.

System action

The RECOVER utility or FlashCopy with consistency continues processing.

Operator response

No action is required.


0 (informational)