DSNU1506I csect-name: RECOVER recover-type OF object-type object-qualifier.object-name IS NOT ALLOWED BECAUSE THE LOGGING ATTRIBUTE OF THE OBJECT IS NOT LOGGED


The object to be recovered has a NOT LOGGED logging attribute, so no log records are available for recovery.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The type of recovery: LOGONLY or BACKOUT.
The type of object.
The name of the object, as a qualified name.

System action

Utility processing halts for this object. The utility job completes with a return code of 8.

If the utility job step includes an OPTIONS control statement with the EVENT(ITEMERROR,SKIP) option, the utility will process the next item in the list.

User response

Recover the object to a previous point in time that is a recoverable point. A recoverable point is:

  • When a table space is altered from LOGGED to NOT LOGGED, thus altering all indexes on all tables in the table space.
  • When an image copy is taken against a not logged table space or a not logged index.

Run the REPORT utility with the RECOVERY option and analyze the output to determine which recoverable point you want to use. Recover the not logged object to the recoverable point by using the TOLOGPOINT, TORBA,TOCOPY, TOLASTCOPY, or TOLASTFULLCOPY recovery options.


8 (error)