DSNU1400I csect-name - COPYTOCOPY UTILITY NOT SUPPORTED FOR object-type object-qualifier.object-name DSNUM n


The COPYTOCOPY utility cannot make copies of any of the following objects:

  • Table spaces DSNDB01.SYSUTILX, DSNDB01.DBD01, DSNDB06.SYSCOPY, or DSNDB01.SYSDBDXA, or any of their indexes.
  • An image copy that was taken by using the COPY utility with the CONCURRENT option.
The name of the control section that issued the message.
The type of object.
The qualified object name.
The number of the partition or data set.

System action

Processing stops for this object. If the utility job step includes an OPTIONS control statement with the EVENT(ITEMERROR,SKIP) option, COPYTOCOPY processes the next item in the list.

User response

If the unsupported object is a catalog or directory object, use another method to make all of the image copies for this object.

If the unsupported object is an image copy that was made with the CONCURRENT option, make a primary local image copy by running the COPY utility without the CONCURRENT option. Then, rerun COPYTOCOPY to make more image copies.


8 (error)