DSNU1356I csect-name SYSKEYTGTDIST CATALOG HISTOGRAM STATISTICS FOR index-name KEYSEQ keyseq-num, keyseq-num,...QUANTILE quan-num LOWVALUE=X'hex_string' HIGHVALUE= X'hex_string' CARDF = cardinality FREQUENCYF= frequency


The RUNSTATS utility issues this message to report the histogram statistics collected for the indexed key column for each quantile, as indicated by quan-num. If more than one key column is listed, then the statistics collected represent the concatenation of those key columns.

For single indexed KEYSEQ, LOWVALUE, and HIGHVALUE columns, each column represents the key column value low bound and high bound for each quantile range. If more than one key column is listed, then the LOWVALUE and HIGHVALUE represent the concatenation of those KEYSEQ values.

cardinality represents the number of distinctive values in each quantile. If more than one key column is listed, cardinality represents the number of distinctive combinations of that KEYSEQ group in each quantile.

frequency represents the percentage of rows in each quantile.

If the total number of distinctive values for that KEYSEQ is less than the specified number of quantiles, then the quantiles collected are up to the number of distinctive values.

This message is routed to SYSPRINT.

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Processing continues.

User response

No action is required.


0 (informational)