DSNU1353I csect-name SYSKEYTGTDIST CATALOG STATISTICS FOR index-name KEYSEQ keyseq-num, keyseq-num,...PARTITION part-num CARDINALITY= cardinality FREQUENCY KEYVALUE frequency X'hex_string' frequency X'hex_string' ... ... frequency X'hex_string'


The RUNSTATS utility issues this message to report the statistics collected for the indexed key column keyseq-num. If more than one keyseq-num are listed, then the statistics collected and the expression values reported represent the concatenation of those key columns.

The value of CARDINALITY is the number of distinct values for the listed key columns. This statistic appears only if the KEYCARD option was specified.

The values under FREQUENCY are the same as those that are inserted into the Db2 catalog. Consider each frequency as a four-digit number with an implied decimal point that is two places to the left of the final digit. The resulting number is the percentage of total rows in the table that contain a particular value for the named index key columns.

Frequency is associated with the occurrence of a single value which is listed under KEYVALUE.

When FREQVAL...MOST and a COUNT value greater than zero are specified, or if frequent values are collected by default, the frequencies for the most frequently occurring values are collected.

When FREQVAL...LEAST and a COUNT value greater than zero are specified, the frequencies for the least frequently occurring values are collected.

When FREQVAL...BOTH and a COUNT value greater than zero are specified, the frequencies for the most and least frequently occurring values are collected.

If the default is taken, then the ten most frequently occurring values are reported in the descending order of frequency.

If fewer than ten values appear, then there are fewer than ten distinct values in the index.

If no values appear, then the values are uniformly distributed.

If frequencies appear, but key columns do not, then the invoker of RUNSTATS is not authorized to read the table. Message DSNU619I is issued to identify the table.

This message is routed to SYSPRINT.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

No action is required.


0 (informational)